Gravely Ill (BB)

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I wake up, feeling wretched. As I wonder what's wrong with me now, I hear my loyal butler come into the room. He pushes back the curtains slowly as he announces,
"Time to rise and greet the day, my young lord."
I open my eyes, but don't even attempt to get up. I tell my demon butler, my voice sounding awful,
"Sebastian, cancel today's schedule. I don't think I'll be getting out of bed today."
Sebastian asks,  concern evident in his tone,
"Are you feeling ill, my young lord?"
I respond,
"Very.  I can't breathe."
All that talking was obviously not good because I'm thrown into a horrible coughing fit and Sebastian runs to my side. He says,
"Young lord!  What ever is wrong?"
He helps me sit up from lying down because a coughing fit lying down could cause me to choke. After Sebastian gets me sitting up, he checks my temperature and reports in a soft tone,
"My, you're burning up."
My coughing gets worse and then becomes so forceful I feel as if I'm going to vomit. I yell Sebastian's name and he brings the trash can over to the side of the bed as quickly as possible. He says as I'm throwing up very forcefully,
"Easy, my young lord. I'm right here." 
He rubs my back and asks after I've wretched,
"Master, has your stomach settled?"
I collapse back into the bed panting and close my eyes, giving him a soft,
"Yes, for now."
Sebastian takes the trash can outside and when he returns, he has new bedding and a bucket. He puts the bucket on the nightstand for ease of access and I say, my voice hoarse,
"Sebastian, call a doctor. I'm not feeling well at all. It's the circus all over again."
His eyes grow wide, recalling the absolutely horrendous time I had when we went undercover at the Noah's Ark Circus. He answers,
"Of course, my young lord. But first, let's make you a bit more comfortable, shall we? Can you sit up on your own?"
I shake my head and say,
"I don't think so. I feel so weak."
He tells me,
"Not to worry. Just lean on me for support." Sebastian gives me a quick sponge bath, trying to bring my fever down, and then dresses me in a pair of pajamas that aren't soaked in sweat. Then, he places me in the chair at my desk as he changes the sheets. He then returns me to the bed and tells me as he covers me up,
"There, that should help. Do you think your asthma is acting up again?"
I shake my head, responding in a rough voice,
"No. This feels much worse, if that's even possible. Please get a doctor and hurry."
Sebastian says in a soothing tone,
"Yes, I understand my lord, but in order for me to do so, I have to assess your condition."
He gets a thermometer and takes my temperature, which reads 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Sebastian says as he places a cold compress on my head to bring it down,
"Your fever is extremely high, my lord."
I whine,
"I'm so cold."
He tells me,
"You stay warm and drink some of this tea. Then get some rest."
He covers me up in a thick blanket and then helps me drink my tea slowly. I ask, smelling it,
"Earl Gray?"
Sebastian responds,
"Yes, my lord. Sip it slowly now."
I tell him,
"Thank you, Sebastian. When did you become so well versed in medical care for humans? You are a demon, after all." 
My demon butler answers with,
"Come now, if I couldn't do this for my young master, what sort of butler would I be?"
I quip in a hoarse voice,
"Well, you're simply one hell of a doctor."
He smiles and says in an amused tone,
"You do flatter me, my young lord. Rest now. I shall return once the doctor has arrived, but if you need anything, do not hesitate to summon me."
After I finish my Earl gray, Sebastian easily guides me back down so I'm laying on my back. He closes the curtains back and leaves me to rest, telling Prince Soma and Agni that they must not disturb me. I can practically see the concern on soma's face as I hear his voice and drift off to sleep.

I'm awoken by gentle shaking and open my eyes to see the family physician. Sebastian has done a good job calling for doctor jones, as he has treated me since I was a child. He tells me apologetically,
"Sorry to wake you, Lord Phantomhive. Your butler tells me you aren't feeling well. Can you tell me what's wrong?"
I ask, exhausted,
"Doctor jones, what time is it? Where is Sebastian?"
I then hear my butler's voice,
"Calm yourself, young lord. I'm here and it's just after seven o'clock in the evening."
I exhaustedly explain my plight to the doctor whom I've known all my life,
"I'm so weary. I just want to sleep but I'm feeling so ghastly. Sometimes I can't even breathe and become violently ill afterwards. What's wrong with me? This is more than simply my asthma."
Dr Jones responds kindly,
"That's what we're going to find out. Just lie still for a moment and try to stay awake if you can."
I do as I'm told and after a very thorough examination, the doctor sighs. I ask, feeling parched,
Sebastian instantly offers me a cup of water which he holds while I sip, but things turn bad. I break out into another horrible coughing fit and feel like I'm going to hurl again. I put my hand over my mouth, trying to avoid it. My efforts are all for naught and Sebastian grabs the trash can and hands it to me, and I once again become very violently ill. Sebastian tells me,
"Calm yourself, master. I'm right here."
I apologize after I've thrown up once again into the trash can that Sebastian has just taken out. He takes it from me and assures,
"No apologies necessary, my lord. I shall return momentarily with a clean basket."
I collapse back into the bed, panting and laboring for breath. I am vaguely aware of Sebastian returning with the waste basket and placing it on the nightstand where I can reach it. Dr Jones has been observing me for a while, and he asks, noticing my desperation,
"Can you breathe at all, Lord Phantomhive?"
I shake my head, panting once again and the doctor grabs his very heavy medical bag off the floor and fumbles around for something. He withdraws an oxygen tank and mask and places the mask on my mouth. I don't protest as I'm way too poorly to even attempt to right now. The doctor puts the large tank on the floor and turns the knob to on, and I can feel some relief finally. He tells me,
"There, that should help. You just rest now while I talk to Sebastian, alright?"
I nod, and Dr Jones covers me back up after making sure the oxygen mask is secured. The doctor tells my butler,
"I'm afraid Lord Phantomhive is quite ill. He has a very severe case of pneumonia. That oxygen should help. Due to his asthma, I'm extremely concerned for his health."
Sebastian asks, looking at me with concern,
The doctor explains,
"It's not uncommon, but it can be fatal if not treated effectively."
Sebastian asks, voice laced with worry,
"My, what must I do?"
The doctor responds,
"Taking into account Lord Phantomhive's already fragile health, I'm prescribing four weeks of complete bed rest. You must keep him warm, and that tank should last."
Dr Jones gives Sebastian a four week's supply of antibiotics, and pain relievers. He explains,
"Mix this into a broth and make him drink it. It will both reduce the fever and help manage his pain. If he's able to keep that down after five minutes, give him the antibiotic two times a day every six hours."
Sebastian takes this into account and thanks the doctor. Dr Jones continues,
"Oxygen therapy needs to be ongoing as well. Only take the mask off when he's eating or drinking, otherwise, make sure it's flowing. Ciel could die without the supplemental oxygen being delivered, so do bear that in mind."
Sebastian nods his head and reports,
"I'll do everything I must to nurse my young master back to health."
Dr Jones leaves and Sebastian starts preparing my medication. He returns and gently shakes me awake, and I open my eyes. He takes off the oxygen mask as he says,
"Master, I know you're not feeling well, but I need you to drink this."
I exhaustedly answer, feeling like I can't breathe at all,
"Sebastian, I just want to sleep but I'm in so much pain."
He responds,
"I know you are, young lord. That's why I need you to drink this, it will help you feel better."
With my butler's help, I drink the medicated broth and am feeling a bit better. Sebastian puts the mask back on and tells me,
"I shall return in five minutes to administer your antibiotic."
I simply nod my head, as I can't talk when the mask is on. Sebastian returns five minutes later and gently prods me awake,
"Young lord, time for your medicine."
He offers me a cup of medicated tea and after he takes the mask off, I sip it gingerly. Once it's all gone, I tell Sebastian,
"Stay with me. Just until I fall asleep."
He agrees, and after putting the mask back on, says,
"Yes, my lord."
I fall asleep to the sound of the oxygen humming and Sebastian silently leaves, after checking the levels on the tank. I make a full recovery after the four weeks of oxygen therapy, antibiotic and pain relievers combined. I truly felt like I was going to die more than once during that bout of pneumonia but thanks to the doctor's help, I was okay.  Prince soma visited me on the second week as soon as Sebastian allowed him to. The prince would sit on the chair and talk to me, telling me how worried he was about me and how he prayed I would be better soon.

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