Hospital (SAO)

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I wake up, feeling horrible and off. My chest hurts, I can't breathe and my heart is racing. Asuna stirs next to me and asks, half asleep,
"Kirito Kun, are you okay?"
All I can do is shake my head, but because it's dark, she can't see my distress. She does however, sense something is wrong when I'm quiet and don't answer her. I'm having such a hard time breathing that I start to hyperventilate. She grabs her phone off of the nightstand next to our bed and immediately goes to my vitals app. My heart rate is 160, way too high for a resting rate. I clutch my chest because it hurts and she doesn't hesitate to call emergency services. The ambulance arrives in less than five minutes and I'm checked by EMTs, who say all my vitals are normal aside from my elevated heart rate and fast respiration rate. They decide to take me to the hospital to run some tests and Asuna comes with me, in her pajamas because this is an emergency and right now, clothes don't matter. At the hospital, they run numerous tests and can't find anything wrong aside from my heart rate and respiration. I've already been put on low flow oxygen in the ambulance to help me breathe better and have been placed on a heart monitor. Because of my POTS, the doctors weren't too very concerned about my heart rate, rather, the other symptoms accompanying it. The not being able to breathe aspect of all this really sucks but the oxygen is helping some, and the doctor also puts an IV in me to keep me hydrated and to try to pull my heart rate down some. I'm released from the hospital three days later after my respiration returns to normal and the doctors don't find anything wrong on the tests.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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