Winter (BB)

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Tending to his master's every need is the job of a butler. Lately, that's been harder for Sebastian to do due to the fact that Ciel is now getting exasperated after walking only a few feet or so in the manor or outside. Sebastian can tell that his master's asthma is getting worse, but Ciel is too stubborn to show it. He is using his cane much, much more than he used to and going outside in these winter months is almost an impossible task for him. Every single time Ciel does venture outside the manor, he is thrown into a horrible asthma attack after not even twenty minutes of being outside in the unforgivingly cold air. Sebastian is desperate to help his young lord and he has taken to carrying Ciel around when he notices he's getting tired. This is not hard for Sebastian Michaelis to do because he is, after all, a demon with plenty of speed and strength. However, he wishes he could help Ciel in a better way, and decides to go to the local hospital to steal a wheelchair for the boy. Sebastian knows that Ciel is quite stubborn and will possibly hate him for doing this, but he must do something. Sebastian returns from the hospital after using his demon speed to very quickly escape the facility with a black wheelchair in tow. He returns to the manor and Ciel calls him from his study. Sebastian comes as he is called and Ciel asks accusingly,
"Where have you been, Sebastian?"
His butler answers,
"My lord, I have been gathering ingredients for tonight's dinner."
Ciel doesn't sound very convinced,
"Yes, well. And what, pray tell, are we having this evening?"
Sebastian smoothly says,
"An Indian dish made by Prince Sohma and Agni themselves."
Ciel seems satisfied by that and says, his hand on his chin,
"That sounds quite good, actually."
Sebastian smiles and says,
"Indeed, my lord."
He walks over to Ciel and scoops him out of the chair he sits in when he's working on paper work for cases from the queen and Ciel says,
"Sebastian, put me down! I can walk on my own."
Sebastian says,
"About that. Come, I have a surprise for you."
The young earl doesn't protest as his demon butler carry's him out of the study and into the hall, where the wheelchair awaits. As soon as Ciel catches sight of it, he asks,
" Sebastian, what is this for?"
His butler looks him straight in the eyes and responds,
"My young lord, your health has been declining as of late and we are all concerned about you. I got this to help, to only be used when you need it most, like in the winter. You can barely breathe at all when you're outside in the cold air and walking almost always triggers an asthma attack."
Ciel scoffs,
"Well, you carry me when I need it."
Sebastian answers,
"Yes, but I think you should give this a chance."
Sebastian places Ciel into the wheelchair and lets go of him. The head of the Phantomhive estate does not seem to completely despise the idea of using this mobility aid. Sebastian says,
"See? Now you can get me or Prince Sohma to push you around town rather than you exasperating yourself by walking."
Ciel puts his hands atop the wheels and tries to move the wheelchair forward, but is too weak to do so. Sebastian helps by pushing him around the manor to let Ciel get used to the new medical device, and everyone is accepting of it, including Ciel himself. He ends up using the wheelchair Sebastian got him all winter, even on cases for the queen.

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