Lost (BB)

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I try to fix my tie after murdering a lot of people who unfortunately got on Ciel's bad side. I look at my naster, straighten my tailcoat and ask,
'How do I look?"
He answers in his usual tone,
"You have a bit of blood on your everywhere."
I look down and see some red on my white shirt and tell him, looking him straight in the eye,
"Well, master, I did just murder the Queen's guard because Ash has it out for you."
Ciel answers that with,
"Granted, Sebastian, but you are the one who pissed him off."
I argue,
"He called me impure like an unsettling amount of times."
Ciel answers, hand on his forehead,
"You are a demon. He's an angel. Makes sense."
I agree, then state,
"Well, at least it's over, for now."
We start walking towards the carriage and my master stops. He stands there, in his noble outfit and looks around. I ask,
"What is it, master?"
He announces,
"I hear something. Sounds like crying. Come, Sebastian!"
He takes off, practically running towards the source of the sound. For a young child with asthma and bad balance who uses a cane, he sure can move quickly when he wants to.
We reach the person whom we heard and Ciel kneels down,
"Are you okay?"
The young girl rubs her eyes and says,
"I'm lost. My- my family is gone."
Ciel reassures her, offering his hand,
"Come with me. I'll help you find them."
She takes his hand and we all three walk to the carriage, which has been waiting on us for the past ten minutes. I summoned it after the job was done, and now we have this girl to worry about. The young master can be kind when he wants to be. Ciel talks to the girl the whole ride back to the manor, gently pressing for information. He learns that her name is Bethany and she's of noble blood as well. When she said she was lost, that was only partly true. Ciel ascertianed that she is lost, but she didn't get left. She ran off after a butterfly and her brother didn't notice that she was gone. Well, we arrived at the manor and let her stay the night. The young master made some calls and found her family within three days. Her mother came to the manor shortly after the call was made and thanked us for all the help. Ciel was awarded money for keeping her safe which he accepted out of obligation and said he was happy to reunite the girl with her family.

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