Groping In the Dark (SAO)

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I wake up to a growling stomach, lean over Asuna and grab my phone off of her nightstand to check the time. The time on my lock screen, which is a picture of Asuna and I in our Ordinal Scale uniforms, reads "0300." Well, it's three o'clock in the morning and I'm hungry. I start trying to get up and my hand comes across something squishy. I squeeze it once and then realize what it is. I say, very softly,
"Shit. Sorry, Asuna."
She stirs and peeps an eye open, then says,
"Kirito-kun, that's my butt."
I apologize again and then my wife asks,
"What are you doing up so early?"
I admit, intertwining my hand in hers because I'm now sitting on the side of the bed,
"I'm hungry. I was gonna go get a snack and come back to bed."
She responds,
"I'll make you something."
I tell her,
"Asuna, no. Go back to sleep, you must be exhausted from yesterday."
She smiles softly and says,
"Okay, hurry back, honey."
I asure her as I get up,
"I will. Love you."
She tells me,
"You too," and drifts back to sleep. I go down the stairs and grab a snack, which is a box of Pocky. I take it to the kitchen table and then make my way over to the fridge for refreshments. I grab a bottle of water and eat my box of chocolate Pocky. After I eat, I quietly make my way up the stairs and see that Asuna has moved to the middle of the bed, so I very quietly climb in the other side and get as comfortable as I can. I won't disturb my queen, and we are both royalty because of the events that took place in Underworld.

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