Duty (BB)

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I feel absolutely wretched as I plop onto the bed and fiddle with my scarf, trying to get it off my neck in a vain attempt to breathe better. Sebastian looks over at me with actual concern and I give him a pitiful attempt at a glare. He asks,
"Master, why didn't you tell me?"
I respond beeathlessly,
"You didn't ask...I didn't tell. Besides, I've grown out of it."
Sebastian gives me a small wtf look as I'm lying there on the edge of the bed absolutely exasperated. He continues,
"Well, I'll read up on the latest medical texts regarding asthma just in case."
I respond,
He rings out a white washcloth that he's just dipped in a bowl of warm water and folds it over. He starts giving me a sponge bath after he sits me up and then I get back on track,
"If we're done talking about my health, can you tell me what information you ascertained from your investigation yesterday?"
He gives the rundown regarding the investigation and then tells me,
"Young master, it is not wise to go out now. You're still recovering from the attack."
I tell him, lying,
"Sebastian...I'm fine. Hand me my cane."
He tsks and then does as he was asked, grabbing my gold handled cane and handing it to me. I take it, feeling the cold wood on my hand, and stamp it on the ground. Using that to haul myself up, I tell Sebastian,
"Let's go."
I cough once but it's so powerful I have to use my cane to steady myself ; it's sad to say that the only thing keeping me vertical is the walking stick, but it's true. I'm extremely weak from that asthma attack and really don't feel good at all, but I have a job to do. Sebastian notices my distress and reccomends,
"Master, are you certain you want to investigate today? We could let you rest and hold off until tomorrow."
I tell him, voice hoarse from that ghastly cough,
"Sebastian...no. We have a duty to the queen."
I start walking to the door but before I can get there, Prince Sohma and his butler Agni are blocking my way. Sohma tells me,
"Ciel, I know you are sick. I cannot allow you to go out in this condition."
He quickly puts his hand on my head and reports,
"You have a raging fever. Please, lay down. Let us take care of you."
I grow angry at this and yell,
"No!! I'm fine, now let me go!"
That outburst takes a lot out of me and I hold onto my cane with an iron grip to prevent me from swaying and falling over on the spot. Sebastian agrees with Sohma and says,
"Young master, as your butler, your health is my first priority. I agree with Sohma, I cannot allow you to do this. Please, get back in bed and we will tend to your needs."
I don't have the strength to fight anymore as I say,
I get back in bed and Sebastian covers me up with a sheet and two comforters. I'll admit that it feels incredible and it's so warm...I drift off to sleep. Maybe everyone is right. As much as I hate to admit it, I need to recover from this fully before I can even think about continuing this investigation.

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