New Normal (HxH)

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All I remember is the crash, the bone crushing sound. Nothing after that. I wake up in the hospital with my boyfriend Leorio holding my hand. He sees I'm awake and yells for the others to come in, which they do quickly because they thought something was wrong. He says,
"She's awake!"
I look around, groggy from all the medicine and bleary eyed. I mumble,
"Owww, what happened?"
Leorio explains that I've been in a bad car wreck and I'm in the hospital. I sigh and that causes pain so I grab onto his hand with a vice like grip. He lets me do it and asks,
"What's wrong?"
I say through gritted teeth,
"Pain. Hurts to breathe."
Leorio explains,
"Yeah, you have some internal bleeding and the doctors don't want you to move too much."
I ask him,
"Am I gonna be okay?"
He almost cries when I ask that and nods,
"Yes, but..."
I press,
He answers timidly,
"Kait, honey, you're ummm, you're hurt pretty bad."
I look down for a second and then say,
"I had a feeling. How bad is it?"
Leorio explains as his friends are all gathered around,
"Darling, I love you. You ummm, you...can't walk a-anymore."
He cries as he tells me this and it makes my own eyes water. I ask, bewildered,
He nods, and then the doctor comes in. Everyone except for my boyfriend decides to leave for now. They all wave and tell me that they'll see me later. After saying goodbye to Gon, Kurapika and Killua, the doctor tells me what Leo already knows. He starts,
Glad to see you're awake. Now, about the nature of your injury...I'm sorry but you'll likely never be able to walk again. Your spine was badly injured, basically crushed by the impact of your car accident."
I hold Leorio's hand tightly for support as the doctor continues,
"You have a spinal cord injury and are now a paraplegic, which means you're wheelchair bound completely."
I explain,
"I was already using one before all this happened, on occassion when my POTS gave me hell."
The doctor answers,
"I know, your boyfriend told me everything. So at least you know what to expect."
I nod,
"Yes, but I"ve never been dependent on one before."
He tells me in a kind but stern tone,
"It's imperative that you stay in your wheelchair at all times unless lying down or sitting. You'll need help with both, as you can't stand on your own either."
Leorio looks at me with undying love in his eyes and I know he'll help me adjust to this. I tell the doctor,
"Yes, sir. I know I'll be okay, I have him."
I lift up Leo's hand as it's intertwined in mine still and the doctor smiles,
"You have a loyal boyfriend. He hasn't left your side since the ambulance ride."
I smile at my boyfriend and then the doctor continues,
"I'm so sorry this happened to you. According to your significant other, you were already on disability benefits before this happened."
I nod my head,
"Yes I was, I also have a service dog but...he was in the wreck with me and I-I don't know if he made it."
Leorio gives me a hopeful look and says,
"He's alive, he only sustained minor scratches from the impact. His crate really protected him."
I can't help the tears that start freely flowing down my face when Leo tells me that Alastair is alive and not even hurt much. He hugs me gently and I ask once he releases me,
"When can I see my dog?"
Leorio tells me,
"I told Gon to take him home until you're released."
The doctor states,
"That'll be a few days from now, provided everything goes well."
To that Leo says,
"I'll have Gon bring him when he comes tomorrow."
The doctor bids us farewell and walks out the door. Once alone, I cry because I don't know what else to do. Leorio reassures me that it'll be okay, it's just another hurdle to overcome.

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