The Aqaurium (HxH)

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Gon and I just spent six hours in the aquarium looking at all kinds of fish. As we're walking out, I notice that he has a sad look on his face and I ask him,
"What's wrong?"
He answers,
I press,
"Come on, don't lie."
I then realize that I saw this same look on his face earlier at the shark exhibit and ask,
"Gon, what did you think a tiger shark was?"
He answers sadly,
"Not that. I wanted to see a super cool half tiger, half shark thing."
I laugh,
"That would die in water."
He perks up a bit,
"Oh, yeah, you're right."
I then ask,
"Feel better? Did you enjoy the rest of the aquarium?"
Gon smiles,
"I did."

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