Catch Me! (BB)

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As Elizabeth arrives, I greet her carriage at the entrance to the manor. I take her hand and help her out of the carriage, leaning on my cane slightly to keep my balance. Once she's standing on the ground, I let her go and she squeals,
She wraps me in a tight hug and I say,
"Hello, Lizzie."
I lead her inside and Sebastian is making us both Earl Grey tea because he of course knew that lady Elizabeth was scheduled to arrive today. I tell her as we walk to the kitchen,
"Watch, if I run and jump at Sebastian, he will certaintly catch me in his arms."
Lizzie laughs,
"I'd like to see that."
I say,
I yell at Sebastian,
He's suprised as he quickly states,
"Young Master, no I'm holding hot tea!"
I ignore him and jimp into the air at precisely the right moment and he ends up using his demon speed to place the cups on the counter. Lizzie is impressed that Sebastian actually caught me and talks about it over tea.

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