Asthma (BB)

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Sebastian and I were on a case from the queen as per usual. We were both enlisted to investigate a string of murders in a small London village. We arrived at seven o'clock that night via horse carriage, our typical mode of transportation. Sebastian stepped out first and then I followed. I felt the cold air immediately, and knew that tonight wouldn't  be good. I pulled up my jacket a bit more and shivered slightly. Sebastian noticed and asked,
"Young master, are you alright?"
I shrugged it off,
"I'm fine."
I lied, and I didn't want my condition to worsen, so I started to walk quickly towards the large building where we would be staying. As I was walking quickly, I felt the cold air in my lungs, which caused me to cough twice. Sebastian gave me a concerned look but I ignored him. I slowed my pace to avoid a surely terrible asthma attack, but to no avail. Before I could make it inside, I started hyperventilating, and that in turn caused a coughing fit. Sebastian was at my side within a second, and I couldn't speak so I couldn't tell him off. He concernedly said,
"Master! What's wrong?"
I could do absolutely nothing and I hated it, but Sebastian was aware of what to do at least. I think he only asked what was wrong out of worry, he knows that I have asthma. He picked me up and told me,
"Hold on."
Still coughing at times and unable to breathe, I gripped onto his collar with as much strength as I could muster. He ran with his demon speed inside the building I was trying so desperately to get into. He ran me up to the very nice room where we would be staying and placed me on the bed. He covered me up with a heavy comforter and I tried to speak,
He hushed me gently and said,
"Hold on, my lord. Let me get your inhaler."
He used his demon speed and ran to the carriage where my one suitcase was that I use on missions. Even though I hate the damned thing, I did have my inhaler safely tucked away in a side pocket. Sebastian extracted it and came back to my side in less than a second. He shook it gently and put the rescue inhaler to my lips, instructing softly,
"Inhale, master."
I did as I was told and held the inhalant in as long as I could before exhaling. I coughed again, but was not thrown into another coughing fit. The inhaler worked, and now I needed to rest. I whispered,
He told me as he took my hand in his,
"I won't. Now, get some rest, my young lord."

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