Well, Damn (HxH)

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Leorio and I are fighting off one of the Phantom Troupe members. All is going well until Chrollo stabs me in the arm. I feel the pain searing through it but don't want to worry Leo, so I pretend like all is well. He notices blood on me and asks in the midst of fighting,
"Are you okay?"
I lie, pain etched on my face,
He makes me sit down after a rush of adrenaline pushes him to murder the member who has just injured me. He sits next to me on the ground and starts examining the still bleeding wound. I try to reassure him,
"Don't worry, I'm fine."
He opens up his medical bag and scoffs,
"Fine?! You've been stabbed, with a Ben knife."
I laugh painfully,
"Not the first time, won't be the last."
He answers as he's very carefully dressing my wound,
"You don't build up an immunity to being stabbed, Pika!"
I laugh,
He rolls his eyes and informs me,
"There, I've dressed it but we should get you to a hospital. That's gonna need stitches."
I answer,
"Okay. Hospital's not far from here. But couldn't you do that?"
He responds,
"I don't carry sutures with me. Although, maybe I should for sitautions like this."
I agree and then say,
"Well, damn. Let's go."
He asks,
"Are you gonna walk there or do you want me to call an ambulance?"
I answer,
"Let's walk."
We walk to the hospital where I recieve six stitches and some IV antibitoics because we found out that the Ben knife had been laced with a slowly effective poison. After I am discharged, Leo and I go back to his house so I can get some rest and recover.

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