The Picnic? (Sword Art Online)

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I look up at my phone sitting on the headrest of my bed and grab it because I heard the text tone go off. I open the message and see that Asuna was the one who texted. Her text reads, Did you forget something? I have a miniature panic attack as I scroll through conversations in my head between her and I, trying to figure out what it is that I've forgotten. I respond to her with, No, I don't think so. She answers back quickly, Kirito! Our picnic! I actaully can't believe that I've forgotten about our picnic. I respond with, I'm sorry, Asuna! I don't know what's wrong with me today. That worried her apparently because, next thing I know she's calling me. I pick up and she asks, worry laced in her tone,
"Are you okay, Kirito? What's wrong?"
I respond,
"Calm down, Asuna. I think I'm okay, just don't feel all that good today."
She answers,
"Awe, I'm sorry, Kazuto. Do you want me to come over? I can make you some soup."
I smile and answer,
"Sure, I'm fine with that."
She says as soon as I stop talking,
"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes."
I tell her,
"Okay, love you."
She answers,
"You too, Kirito-kun. Bye."

As soon as she hangs up, I lay back down on my bed. I lay there for a few minutes and fall asleep. The kind of sleep that feels like I'm in a full dive. I don't know how much time has passed, but I'm woken up by loud banging sounds. I open my eyes and realize with a start that Asuna is here. I yell,
"Just a second!"
I throw back the covers but can't get up as I'm way too dizzy. I try but then fall back down on the bed. I reach for my phone that I've put back on the headrest and call Asuna. She picks up and demands,
"Let me in!"
I weakly say,
"I- I can't get up, Asuna. I'm really dizzy."
Her anger melts away like ice on a summer day,
"I'm calling an ambulance. I'm worried."
I don't argue,
"Okay, check my app."
She answers,
"I will."
She has an app that keeps track of all my vitals: heart rate, body temperature, and respiration rate. She hangs up and I hear sirens about five minutes later. Two paramedics walk in the door after they pick the lock and I hear them tell my girlfriend to stay back. She holds her own and shoves her  way upstairs to my room. She sees me laying in bed with nothing on but a pair of shorts and tears up. She then walks over to me and holds my hand. The two EMTs start taking my vitals and discover that I have a fever. Asuna pulls up her app and it shows fever plus elevated heart rate. The paramedics treat me with an IV of saline and one of them explains,
"You're either dehydrated or have the flu. Either way, the saline drip will help you feel better."
I ask, Asuna holding my hand,
"Will it help with the dizziness?"
He nods. Asuna asks,
"Will he be okay?"
I look at her with love as the EMT she asks says,
"He should be fine after the IV runs through his system."
They leave after ten minutes of observation, deciding that I don't need to go to the hospital. Asuna smiles at me and I say,
"Sorry, Asuna. I ruined our picnic."
She leans down and kisses me,
"I'm just glad you're okay."
She then tells me to wait and runs downstairs, grabbing two snacks and returning. She hands me a bag of chips and says,
"Let's have a picnic right here."
She helps me sit up slowly and then climbs in on the other side of the bed. We both enjoy a bag of chips and I tell her,
"Thanks. For everything."
She looks at me and responds with compassion,
"I'll always be here for you."

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