Uninvited (BB)

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I arrive at the exclusive Scotland Yard meeting and very easily blend in. Nobody notices me at all, as the members are talking about a case the Queen has already informed me of. That is, until a wayward glance comes shooting over at me from across the room. The tall, lanky man announces,
"Earl Phantomhive. You were not invited to this investiagtion."
I smile wryly,
"And yet, here I am. It's very irritating, isn't it?"
The man just stares at me and asks, crossing over to where I'm leaning against the wall,
"Why are you here?"
I answer with authority,
"I am the Queen's watch dog. It is my duty to know of anything that threatens her."
All the members of Scotland Yard look over at me and the one closest to me reaches into his coat pocket. I yell,
My demon butler appears out of nowhere, knives at the ready. He's in front of me, protecting me as he says,
"If you attempt to harm my young master, I will have no choice but to exterminate you."
The man runs, terrified, and the whole of Scotland Yard starts closing in, but I have no fear. Sebastian starts throwing his knives all over the place, each landing in a person's back. I also get to have some fun by using my gun to shoot two people. We leave the cranage behind us and head back to the manor.

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