The Duel (SAO)

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I stare, stone faced, at the leader  of the guild that Asuna belongs to. He's been challenged me to a duel because Asuna asked for temporary leave and asked for temporary leave and to nobody's surprise, Heathcliff is hesitant. I accept the duel request as soon as it pops up on my screen and Heathcliff smiles. We both agreed to fight using our own unique skills, my duel blading and his holy sword. I grab both of my swords out of their scabbards across my back and and get into the fighting stance I want to start with. He draws his long sword and uses his shield to make the trademark cross, which is also the symbol for the Knights of the Blood. I start trying to stab him anyway I can, as the rule is set for a one touch win. Meaning whoever gets the first hit is the winner. Well, he ends up winning after quite literally changing the game. Defeated, I return to Asuna, who hugs me and tells me I did my best. The next day, I'm wearing a red and white guild uniform, but at least there's grey on it. I ask Asuna,
"Do you have anything less flashy?"
She responds with a smile and laugh,
"That one's the least flashy we have."
I look at it and sigh,
"Guess it'll have to do."
She says,
"Well, yeah. Plus, you match me now."
I smile at that and hug her. I'm not happy that I lost, but I ahve to admit, I'm not all that angry. As long as I'm with Asuna, I no longer care if I'm a part of the Knights of the Blood or not.

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