Help! (HxH)

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After being undoubtedly stabbed by a random thug I came across while on the street, I call Leorio for help. He picks up with,
"Hey, Killua, what's up?"
I answer nonchalantly,
"Oh, just sitting in a pool of blood."
He becomes slightly concerned as he asks hesitantly,
"Is it...your blood?"
I answer,
"Yeah, I think so."
He is now full fledged panic mode,
"Do you know where it's coming from?!"
I look down, then say,
"Probably the large stab wound in my leg."
He asks incrediously,
"You've been stabbed?!"
I answer without a moment's hesitation,
"Oh, yeah, definitely."
He tells me,
"Hold on. I'm coming."
I remind him,
"You don't know where I am."
Leorio asks me,
"Where are you? And how do you feel?"
I answer,
"An alley in York New City, and okay. I'm a Zoldyck, it takes a lot to bring us down."
He says, worry laced with amusement in his tone,
"I'll be there soon. Just hang tight. Call an ambulance if you feel weird or lightheaded at all."
I agree,
I wait for Leorio for about two minutes, then decide to stand up. I put weight on the injured leg but it can't hold me. I fall over and see more blood spurt out of the wound and then start to not feel right. I do what Leo told me and take out my phone to request an ambulance. If Leo arrives before the ambulance, he can ride with me. The sirens sound not even five minutes later, and by that time, Leorio is there. He's been making sure I don't move and he's also wrapped up the wound best he can. The paramedics get out and approach us, one is wheeling a stretcher. I give my friend a look and tell the paramedic,
"I'm not getting on there."
Leo shakes his head and offers me a hand, which I take and I hop to the ambulance with his help. Once we make it inside the ambulance, the EMTs drive us to the hospital where I am immediately admitted and taken to the operating room for surgery. The cut was deep and very nearly severed an artery, which would have killed me instantly if it had. When I woke up from the surgery, Gon was there holding my hand. He hugged me and said,
"I'm so glad you're okay."

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