Kyo's Crisis (FB)

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I'm making breakfast in the kitchen, when suddenly, Kyo appears out of nowhere. He must've busted in the door because he's now standing next to my table. I ask, surprised,
"What the hell are you doing in here at 7 o'clock in the morning?!"
Kyo answers, pointing to the door,
"Your patio door was unlocked."
I remind him what floor my apartment is on,
"This is the third floor."
Kyo says,
"Yeah, I know. I can survive a fall from this height. So uh...anyway...Tohru told me she's pregnant."
It takes me a few seconds to process what Kyo just said. I exclaim,
"She's...that's great news!"
I smile broadly but Kyo looks down, saying nothing. Just one look at him and I say,
"Oh, I get it. You're having a personal crisis and you can't tell Mrs. Honda about it."
Kyo agrees,
"Yeah, what you said."
I continue, knowing him well,
"So, you're planning on telling me how you feel like you're too broken to be a father and that you fear that your child will hate you like you hate your biological dad and that I'd be a better father than you ever could be."
All he says to that is,
"Something like that."
Kyo kicks at the ground and I say, in continuation of our largely one sided conversation,
"And then I kick the shit out of you and tell you you're an idiot for ever believing that you'd be anything like that asshole, when really, you'll be a father more like Kazuma. And that you're one of the best people I know so stop overthinking, you utter dumbass."
That part made Kyo tear up as he said,
I agree,
"Fine. But you're buying me breakfast afterwards. I can't cook like she can."
He nods and then I say as I take a step closer to him, patting him on the back,
"Oh...and congratulations, you stupid cat."
Kyo tells me through tears,
"T-thanks, damn rat."

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