Stolen (BSD)

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I wake up to someone staring at me. Startled, I look around to see where I am. As I observe my situation, I realize that I have been kidnapped by the Guild. The president of the Guild addresses me,
"Dazai, welcome."
I warn him,
"Don't kill me, I have a partner!"
He simply snorts,
"You really think I'd actually care about that?"
I respond, hands still tied behind my back as I'm strapped to a chair,
"Of course not, you've misunderstood. This on isn't me begging for mercy. This is a warning."
The enemy laughs and walks over to a bag that's on top of the desk to my left. I can only assume that the man is going to extract a knife to torture me with. Just as he does that and shows me a dagger, I hear the loudest noise. I know exactly what that sound is. Chuuya yells after kicking down the door of the abandoned warehouse building,
"Prepare to die, you mother fuckers!"
He's brandishing a gun that is mostly for show. He uses his ability to absolutely maim the Guild members who kidnapped me and then unties me. He asks,
"You okay? Not that I care..."
I reply,
"I'm fine. Let's head back to the agency."
We do just that and relay our fun little adventure to the others. Atsushi is relieved as hell that I'm safe and Kunikida just thanks Chuuya very begrudgingly.

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