Protection (Demon Slayer)

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After spending a considerable amount of time fighting the spider demon brother who was apparently a lower ranked member of the Twelve Kizuki, I'm exhausted. I can't use my body at all right now because I just used the fire dance technique my father taught me to help me win this fight. The demon has already broken my Nichirin sword, but I managed to behead him with what little blade I have left. Nezuko is still trapped in his giant web because he wants her as his sister. I feel accomplished as I lay there, but only partly. I still need to figure out how the hell to get Nezuko out of the web.
Suddenly, she's free and running towards me. When she woke up, she must've used her blood demon art to break free herself. She's at my side and I hold her head in my hands, protecting her as I'm laying on the forest floor. I hear noises and see that the demon I just beheaded has reattached his head to his neck and is now taunting me. Then, I see a very fast flash and that same demon falls to the ground, clearly dead. A woman with a butterfly pattern kimono turns to me and declares,
"Do you know that you're protecting a demon? I know she may seem human, but boy, you're protecting a demon."
I answer,
"She's my sister!"
The woman repeats,
"But also a demon, yes?"
I explain,
"Yes...but she wouldn't hurt anyone!"
The lady presses,
"Nonsense! Now, move aside or I'll make you."
As soon as she finishes her threat, another swordsman appears and he's on our side. When he looks at me, I recognize him as Giyuu, the water breathing hashira who told me never to let Nezuko harm a human or she and I would be killed. He also led me to Urokodaki. Giyuu tells the butterfly patterned woman,
"That's murder."
She rolls her eyes and states,
"That's okay! Move, Giyuu."
He tells me,
I grab Nezuko and even though I'm exhausted, I run away as fast as I can before the woman can do anything.

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