Chapter 26- Breaking News

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Dear diary,
I got ready as I always do and walked to school. While I was walking, I got text.

Brad: Hey x
Me: Hi.
Brad: Whatcha doin? x
Me: Walking to school, you?
Brad: In bed, gunna chuck ice cold water on James and Tris :p x
Me: Have fun, what's Con doing?
Brad: In the shower x
Me: Oh ok, can you do me a favour and tell Con I miss him.
Brad: Ok but he's always busy doing something on his phone, I think he's always texting someone. He hardly ever recognises any of us but i'll try my best. Promise x
Me: Ok : ) oh and can you record your prank for me?
Brad: Ya sure, anything for my precious gem. Got to go now. Byeeeee xxxxxxx

I smiled at the last text, when we were dating Brad always called me his precious gem. I thought to myself, Con always texting? He never responded to me. Was something going on? I turned my phone off and carried on walking to school.

*7 hours later*

I walked through the front door, kicked my shoes off and threw my bag onto the sofa. I walked upstairs and changed into some pyjamas. Then I walked into the kitchen and looked for something to eat, I grabbed a mini roll and jumped onto the sofa. That's when I got a call:


*Call Ended*

So, I did as she said and put on the news.

"Breaking news! Connor Ball and Meghan Trainor have been seen together. They've even been texting each other non-stop! Connor Ball, 19 and Meghan Trainor, 21 were seen together outside, whisphering to each other, standing quite close. Connor is part of The Vamps and is on tour with the boys. While Meghan was also on her tour. However Connor Ball is suppossed to be dating someone else. Did they break up? Is he cheating on her? Could Meghan and Connor be our new celeb couple? Stay tuned on this amazing story."

I froze. I didn't know what to do. Was it true? It couldn't be. He said he'd never cheat on me. If it was true, it would explain why he never responded to my texts but was always on his phone. I sat there thinking about the news but then I decided to call Summer.

*Ring Ring*

No answer. I was about to ring again when I got a text from Brad. It was the video I asked for, it was so funny and Brad's laugh was so cute. So I decided to talk to Brad about the news.

Me: Hey, um, did you watch the news?
Brad: Yeah and I know what you're thinking x
Me: Is it true? I mean I trust Connor and he said he would never cheat on me but then if it is true then it explains why he hasn't been talking to me lately.
Brad: Woah, woah, woah calm down, if you trust him then he wouldn't have done anything. Besides, a relationship is built on trust. Without trust, there is no relationship x
Me: Yeah, you're right. Thanks x
Brad: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Me: : )
Brad: Gotta go, duty calls :p x
Me: K :p

And with that, I put my phone away and watched tv.

Finally updated guuuyyyysssss!!!!!!!!! I was in writers block for a really long time and I was ill as well so thank you soooooo much dulce_candy408 for giving me this idea! You guys should definately follow, she's amazing and tell her I sent you :p

Quote of the day:
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves. - Albert Einstein

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