Chapter 3-Not So Rude Customer

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Dear Diary,
It is now the next day, and YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED ON MY WAY HOME YESTERDAY! Let me start from where I left off.

I was walking to the bus stop when I was roughly pulled by someone. Just when I was going to scream, I felt a hand, a VERY REVOLTING, DIRTY HAND on my mouth. Then I was in a dark, narrow alleyway. I was freaking out and then I had my back against the wall and a man said "GIVE ME YOUR MONEY AND PHONE NOW! OR I'LL STAB YOU", pulling out a big sharp knife. I immediately grabbed my purse but then the man was on the floor, bleeding because he hit his head. I screamed and looked behind me, it was the RUDE CUSTOMER FROM EARLIER! "Um hi" he said, "I apologise for earlier, it's just that I was in a bad mood because my girlfriend dumped me over text." Um.. it's ok, and i'm sorry about your girlfriend dumping you" I said. There was an awkward silence until he said "My name's Connor, it's nice to properly meet you".
"I'm Crystal, it's nice to properly meet you too". I said smiling.

I was staring into his beautiful eyes, I don't know how long for but it must've been long because he started to look uncomfortable but then started laughing and so did I. All of a sudden we heard sirens, it was the police and an ambulance, we told them everything and they took the man to the hospital.

Me: Thanks for saving me by the way
Connor: It was my pleasure, I hope I can do it again sometime.
We just laughed then he said "Anyway, I better get going, but I promise I'll see you again tomorrow, gorgeous" he smiled and slowly dissappered into the distance. My heart melted when he said that, he thought I was gorgeous but then I thought, I just met him, even though he is amazingly cute, he could be a psycho because, this is real life not a romantic movie when everything is sooo unrealistic!
It was getting late so I ran back to the bustop and luckily I got one as soon as I got there.

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