Chapter 28- Birthday Present

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Dear diary,
Today I woke up and walked into the guest bedroom, hoping to see Connor but he wasn't there, neither were the boys but there was a note on the bed.

Morning Goregeous, thanks for the bed! The boys have gone back to their houses but I'm staying for a bit if you don't mind :p I'm downstairs waiting for you. I have another present ;) Love you and I hope I see your gorgeous face soon, come quickly! xxxxxx

So I quickly brushed my teeth then ran downstairs but I tripped over the last step. Luckily, a pair of muscly arms broke my fall. I was in Connor's arms, first thing in the morning (what can be better than this?) I thought to myself. "My hero." I said.

"Well, I'm always here, anything for my gorgeous girl." He replied. We just stared into each others eyes and smiled at each other. "Come on, do you want your present?" He asked while putting me back onto my feet. I nodded and he led the way to the kitchen. The walls were decorated with coloured fairy lights and a collage of me and Con. The table was covered with a purple table cloth and strawberry scented candles. On the table was a full English breakfast with tea. "Well do you like it?" He said.

"I love it!" I shouted then giving him a kiss on the cheek. We walked towards the table and he pulled the chair out for me to sit down. Con sat down next to me and we started to eat, it was cooked to perfection. After we were done Con handed me an envelope with 'Gorgeous' written on it. "What's it?" I asked curiously.

"Just open it." He said. So I did.

"Oh. My. Gosh. No. You. Didn't."

"Yes I did!"

It was two tickets to Paris, the city of love. I couldn't believe it. Me and Con were going to Paris for a week and lucky for me, my Summer holiday's were coming up in a week which gave me seven days to prepare and pack. "I still can't believe it Con! You did all this for me?"

"Of course, anything for my gorgeous." He replied with a big toothy smile and got up to take our plates away. Just then we heard the doorbell.

"It's 10:30 in the morning, who could that be?" I said while walking up to the door. "Summer! What are you doing here?"

"Well hello to you too. I came to surprise you." Then she saw Connor in the kitchen. "Ohhhhhh, having some special time are you?"

"Shut up!" I said, punching her arm. "And no, we weren't but I have got something to tell you and we need to go shopping."

"ARE YOU PREGNANT?" She shouted.

"What the hell! No I am not! Are you on drugs?!" I replied and that's when Connor came over.

"What's going on over here? And hey Summer." He said.

"Oh nothing and hi. I came to surprise Crystal but I didn't know you guys were having some quality time so I can go if you want and Crystal can tell me what she wants later." Summer said while walking away.

"No, no! It's fine don't worry, I better go me and the boys want to get some band practices in and I better do some shopping before we go. Bye gorgeous, see you later." He said while kissing my forehead.


"Before you go? Where are you going? And when are you going? Tell me!" Summer begged.

So I told her everything, she thought it was great and would be very romantic. "So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Well we are deffo going shopping right now! I mean, you're going Paris! We need to get you prepared." So we got the bus to town, we went Primark, Matalan, New Look, Urban Outfitters and probably all of Highcross. We bought dresses, skirts, tops, blouses, leggings, jeans and jackets since we didn't know what the weather was going to be like. By the time we were done, we were so tired and could hardly walk but we managed to get a bus home. As soon as we got home we collapsed onto the sofa throwing the bags onto the floor.

"Wow, you guys look tired and I read the note, I can't believe you're going to Paris! Connor is so romantic and will make an awesome brother-in-law." Millie said while coming into the room with ham and cheese sandwiches.

"We are not getting married! I'm 18 for Gods sake." I replied. Millie just laughed. "Oh and is it okay if Summer stays the night?"

"Yeah sure just don't stay up too late because you've got school tomorrow." She said.

"Kay, we're going upstairs then." I said while we picked up all the bags.

FINALLY!!!!!! Anyone? No? Yeah you guys probably forgot about this story now, sorryyyyy I feel sooo bad but it's hard to write a story ya know. I'm soooo sorry this chapter is very bad but it's a filler I guess.

Love you all, please do comment any feedback/suggesstions, I really want to know what you think and there's no point in writing a story when you guys don't like it. If you know what I mean. And thank you sooo much for 2000 reads! I'm back now so hopefully we can make it 3000? So far its 2.87K, almost there!

Song lyrics of the day- One day, you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember.

P.S, what do you prefer? Quote of the day or Song lyrics of the day.

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