Chapter 29- I Promise

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Dear diary,
I'm not going to write about school because that's boring as usual. So six days went by quickly and there was one day left before me and Con left for Paris. I got up on a Sunday and looked in the mirror, it was covered with pictures of me and Connor. Like a school girls' locker full of pictures of her crush, only my pictures weren't my crush or photoshopped. Mine were real. Memories that would stay with me forever.

I ran downstairs and saw Summer and Millie talking on the sofa. "Hey, I didn't know Summer was here." I said.

"It's 12 in the afternoon, you shoulda been up ages ago." She replied. I gave her an "I'm sorry" look and she nodded. "Anyways, I want to spend some quality time with my bff so hurry up and get ready because we are having a girls day out."

"Oooohhh fancy. Okay lemme have a quick shower." So I ran back up and grabbed a black blouse with pearls on the collar and blue jeggings. After a quick shower, I did my hair in a high ponytail, I hummed How Deep Is Your Love while putting my socks and black boots on. "Summer I'm ready." I said while poking my head through the door. She got up and we walked out the door while grabbing a banana and my phone. Walking to the bus stand, we talked and I ate my breakfast. "Shoot!" I shouted, "The bus is about to leave!" We ran as fast as we could, it was easier for Summer as she had trainers on. "Wait, my troussers are falling down!" I screamed while putting the banana peel in the bin and trying to catch up to her. The bus driver opened the doors and saw two girls panting, he chuckled but let us in.

"Two tickets to town please." Summer asked.

"Alrighty." He said.

We payed for our tickets and sat down at the back. "Sooo you excited for your trip?" Summer asked while raising her eyebrow.

I laughed and said yes. "Well just don't do anything stupid."

"Shut up! I'm not going to okay?" I said firmly.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Just make sure you get me something."

"Hmmmm maybe." I replied.



"So I was thinking we go to Primark first then New Look then Urban Outfitters then Topshop then Matalan then Claires for jewellery then wherever you want. After that we can go to beauty shops like Lush and stuff. Or the other way around." She said.

"We've already been shopping though." I replied, confused as to why we came to town.

"You're so mean. Only thinking of yourself. I want to buy some things today because last time we got things for you and only you."

"I'm so sorry. Please don't be angry." I said feeling so bad.

"I'm joking, chill. Don't take everything so seriously. Now come on lets go shopping for meee! Even though I'm not going to Paris."

I laughed as we walked into Primark. "Ooohhh check out these high tops Summer! They'll go great with that leather jacket, don't you think?"

"Ooohh la la. This is why I bring you shopping with me!" She screamed with excitement.

We carried on shopping, going into every shop as usual. "Greggs! Lets go." Summer shouted. I started walking and saw that she was already in the shop. "One sausage roll and one chicken pie please." She gave me my pie and we turned around, to our surprise we saw two boys; Connor and Brad.

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