Chapter 27- Birthday

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Dear diary,
Today was my birthday! Here's how it was:

I woke up at 6:00. One hour earlier than I usually would. This was because today was my parents death anniversairy. Every year I would go to my parents grave, I wouldn't even eat breakfast until I got back and food is very important to me but not as much as my parents. Also, I wouldn't even check my phone or accept a birthday wish or cards or presents until after I saw my parents. So I got ready, I put on black jeggings, a black blouse, a black coat and black flats. I didn't even put any make-up on and I put my hair in a simple ponytail. Millie was wearing all black just like me. We both bought a bouquet of flowers, I bought pink roses, my mums favourite and Mille bought white Chrysanthemums, my dads favourite.

We went on the bus and got there in 20 minutes. We knelt down at our parents and placed the flowers down onto the grass. "Hi mum, hi dad. I wish you were here, I can't believe I'm 18 today. Its been 8 years without you. I miss you so much. We bought you some flowers, I hope you're having a good time up there, maybe you met some celebrites and forgot all about us. Just so you know, we'll never, ever forget about you. I will see you again someday. I love you." I said and got up, wiping the tear that was slowly making its way down my cheek. Millie talked to mum and dad too, then we made our way to the bus stand. We got on a bus home and I got changed into a purple blouse and kept everything else the same. I checked my phone: only one message, it was from Summer:


We had a tradition: she would always drive me to school on my birthday (well her parents would be driving but you know what I mean).

"Hey Crystal, I got into university!" Millie screamed.

"YAY!" I shouted.

"And the best part, I got into my first choice which was in Leicester so I don't have to move!!!!" She added.

I ran up to her and gave her a fat hug. "Beep" It was Summer. I said bye to Millie and walked outside. I got into the car and was greeted with lots of birthday wishes and hugs. I loved Summer and her parents. They made me feel happy and as if they were my own.

We got to school and I recieved lots of birthday wishes and cards.

After a boring day at college, me and Summer walked to her house, we were going bowling. I won! It was so fun and I even won a Despicable Me unicorn from a grabby machine (I don't know what they are actually called). We also ate chips, after 2 hours, we got picked up and went back to my house.

I got my keys from my bag and opened the door. It was quiet. "Hello? Millie are you hone?" I shouted.

"SURPRISE!!!!" Con, Tris, Brad, James, Millie, Meghan Trainor, Taylor Swift, Shawn Mendes, Union J, Luke Friend and The Tide jumped up. I ran up to Connor and gave him a tight hug. I couldn't believe my eyes, I was seeing him after so many days. He kissed me on the cheek and said I missed you. I replied with "I missed you too." We pulled away and I hugged Tris, Brad and James.

"Now, let me introduce you to some people properly." Said Con. We walked toward the celebrites and took lots of photos. "Wow, I still can't believe you're here. I thought you were on tour?" I said.

"Well I was but I wasn't going to miss my girlfriends 18th birthday. I hope now you understand why I was ignoring you and trust me, it pained me to do so." He said while kissing my forehead. I nodded. "Now, lets PARTYYYY!!!!" Con shouted. First Meghan Trainor performed Dear Future Husband. "By the way Crystal, me and Connor are not dating, we were just discussing this party. He loves you very much, never forget that." Meghan said at the end of the performance. I smiled and looked at Con who hadn't taken his arm off of my shoulder since I arrived and I wasn't planning in leaving his side either. Then Taylor, Luke, Union J, The Tide and Shawn performed, giving me birthday wishes and hugs. After that, Con pulled me onto the stage along with him, Brad, Tris and James. Tris was on drums, James on aucostic, Brad on bass and Con was lead vocals.

You just know, sometimes you feel it in your bones,
Though we've heard that hearts can still be wrong,
Something's telling me that your the one,

I just know, even if I had a heart of stone,
You can make it bleed all on your own,
You can break it but I hope you won't

I'd burn it down, I'd light it up,
For you, I'd risk it all,
I'd rather crash, I'd rather crawl,
Then never have your love at all,
With only bricks to break my fall,
For you I'd risk it all.

He sang the whole song holding my hand. Then he sang High Hopes, Shout About It, Lovestruck, Another World, Move My Way, Somebody To You, Last Night, Wild Heart and Can We Dance. I can tell he meant every word in all the songs. I cheered and we shared a hug and kiss.

"Let's eat." He said. So we all ate pizza, I couldn't believe there were celebrites in my house, eating with me. At 7:00 we cut a cake. Con got one specially made for me, it was a chocolate fudge cake with a photo of me and Con on it. It tasted amazing! And there are plenty of leftovers!

At 8:00 pretty much everyone had gone except for Con, Tris, James and Brad. They were staying over with me and Mille. Me, Con, Tris, Brad and James got changed into our onzies and decided to watch a movie, Millie went to sleep earlt because she was going tired. We watched Pitch Perfect and laughed all the way through it, saying the lines as if we were in the movie. I snuggled up with Con on one sofa while Tris, Brad and James were on the other sofa. We watched a bunch if other movies like Mean Girls, Fright Night and This Is The End. At around 1 am I was fast asleep, Con picked me up and carried me to my bed, tucking me in and kissing my forehead. Me and Millie had turned our parents room into a guest room, it had a double bed. Con and Brad slept on one side and Tris and James slept on the other side.

I had an amazing birthday and couldn't believe that Con had come all the way back to Leicester for me.

YAY UPDATE! No? Anyone? Yeah I know it wasn't that good and I am SOOOO SORRY for the long wait and this chapter may be long but I know it's still terrible. I just wanted to say thank you all so much, especially those who stuck by me when I first started this fanfic.

The Vamps, if your reading this (I have a feeling you're not) I want to say that I love you all and your music. I saw you guys live on Tuesday, 5th of May at Nottingham, Capital FM arena. It was AMAZING! You sound just as good live and very cute :) I loved it all especially the fireworks and explosions. Best night ever! I went with my older sister and we got your wristbands! And I loved the special guests: Luke Friend, The Tide and Union J. It was such an amazing night! I love you sooooo much and hope that I can one day meet you guys and see you live again next year with your new songs!

Hope you guys like the new name.

Song Lyrics Of The Day:

I'd burn it down, I'd light it up,
For you, I'd risk it all,
I'd rather crash, I'd rather crawl,
Then never have your love at all,
With only bricks to break my fall,
For you I'd risk it all

The Vamps

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