Chapter 30- Paris

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Dear diary,

My alarm clock rang at 5:00am, I turned it off and sat up. I was already awake, I had been all night. I couldn't sleep at all after yesterdays seven minutes in heaven. I couldn't bear the thought of what happened. Does this mean I cheated on him? But it was just a kiss, right? Does this mean Brad has feelings for me? Do I tell Connor? Do I have feelings for Brad? I asked myself these questions over and over again.

I checked my phone:

2 new messages

Connor: Morning Gorgeous, excited for today! I'll be round at 7:00. Love you xx
Me: Morning Handsome, me too. Okay, love you xx

The other message was from Brad but I didn't check. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth, I stared at myself in the mirror. All I could think of was last night but mostly Brad. "Stop it Crystal!" I shouted and splashed my face with water. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" A tear rolled down my cheek, I sat myself down against the wall. "What have I done?" I burried my head in my hands. Somebody came in, turned the tap off and sat opposite me.

"Crystal, are you okay?"

"Millie? Why are you awake so early?"

"Your shouting kinda woke me up. Why were you shouting?"

"Look, I know we've never really been close but I just don't know what to do."

"The only way I can help is if you tell me what's going on." She sat down opposite me.

I sniffled. "Okay, so you know yesterday in seven minutes in heaven?"


"Well, er, Brad, he, er, he, er, we, er-"

"Crystal. Just tell me."



I sighed. "Brad kissed me."

"Did you kiss him back?"

"Kinda but I pulled away!"

"Did you tell Connor?"

"No! Obviously not!"

"Do you like Brad?"

"No! Maybe. Kinda. Ugh I don't know!"

"Did you feel something when you kissed?"

"I felt guilty of course but a little happy."

"Have you and Brad talked?"

"He sent me a message but I didn't know what to say."

"Lets see."

I pulled out my phone.

Brad: Hi

"Just reply with hi." Millie said.

So I did then put my phone to the side.

"You need to tell Connor."

"But I don't want to."


"It will ruin our holiday and hurt his feelings."

"I can't force you but it would be the right thing to do."

"How about after the one week trip?"

She sighed. "The sooner, the better."

I looked at her. She looked at me. "Thanks for the talk." I said.

"Anytime." She got up and put her hand out. I took it and got up. "Now, you better get ready for your flight. I'll be downstairs making breakfast."

For You I'd Risk It All (A Connor Ball Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin