Chapter 10- Feelings

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This chapter continues on from where we left off in the previous chapter so if you don't remember what happened or haven't read the previous chapter then please do otherwise this chapter won't make sense to you.

Brad: Um hey, i'm sorry for pulling you but I really need to tell you something.
Me: What ever it is, hurry up because the boys are probably wondering where I am.
Brad: Ok, um, well you see...
Me: I'm waiting, if you don't tell me whatever it is, i'm going to go downstairs. (I was about to make my way downstairs when he stopped me).
Brad: Please, don't go, just hear me out.
Me: (He stared at me with his big brown puppy dog eyes, how could I resist? So I listened to him)
Brad: I...I...I love you Crystal, I always have, I always will. I wanna get back together.
Me: (My mouth opened) ...Umm...
Brad: (He closed my mouth) You should keep it closed, you don't want any flies to go in there! (He laughed)
Me: (I gulped and took a deep breath) Look, i'm flattered but i'm taken by Connor and I love being with him. I know he'll never cheat on me unlike you.
Brad: But I love you more than him, when are you going to forgive me? It was a mistake, we all make them.
Crystal: Yes, we do all make mistakes but what you did wasn't a mistake, it was you being the stupid, flipping idiot you are and always will be. (I walked away, confused).

I ran down the stairs and saw Connor, Tristan and James with worried looks on their faces. Connor ran up to me and said "Oh my gosh, where were you, we were worried sick!" "I...I... I'm sorry, I went to the toilet, i've been here before so I didn't tell you because I thought I knew where it was but I got lost. After all it's waayyy bigger than my house." I said. I know I didn't tell them the truth, but how could I? I knew it would make Connor stressed and worried, he doesn't deserve that. After sighs of relief, me and Connor were about to leave when we heard "Crystal wait, take our numbers!" I thought it was Tristan or James but no, I was wrong, it was Brad. I turned around and took the numbers. While I was getting them, mine and Brad's hands touched. He stared into my brown eyes and I stared into his but I quickly looked away. His hands were small and soft but I immediately let go, took the numbers and got out as fast as I could.

Even in the car, all I could think about was Brad. Connor constantly asked me questions or cracked a joke but my mind was somewhere else. I couldn't tell him what happened so I just said I was tired and couldn't sleep last night. Of course I felt bad for lying to him because I hate being lied to and i'm sure everyone does but I did it so he wouldn't get worried or do something he would regret or was there another reason?

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