Chapter 7- Getting Ready

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Dear Diary,
I have just come home from my AMAZING date! Rewind:

Me: Hey Summer, long time no talk, we have A LOT to catch up on. Can you come over A.S.A.P because I have a date!!!!! Oh and bring your emergancy make-up kit as well as a few clothes! Btw you can stay over as well.

(Summer is my best friend ever since Brad cheated on me with Cecilia, my ex-best friend. Summer has waist length blonde hair, sea green eyes, a few freckles, is quite short and has the best fashion sense)!

Summer: Hey girlfriend!!!! OH MY GOSH you have a date!!! YAY for you, I am coming right now!

10 minutes later I heard knock after knock after knock. I opened the door and saw Summer standing there wearing a bright pink coat, blue skinny jeans and black converse. In one hand she had a giant make-up bag and in the other she had a big suitcase. We both said "Hey"! And hugged each other.

Me: What's with the suitcase?
Summer: Oh, it's some outfit ideas. I couldn't decide on just 3 outfits so I brought 10!
Me: 10?! Seriously
Summer: What? Don't judge, you asked for help. You and I both know that I can turn around and go back home.
Me: Yes mum, I was only joking, now are you going to come in or not?
Summer: Course I am!

She made her self at home by getting a few snacks from the cupboard and running up the stairs into my room. "Who's going to carry these bags up"? I shouted. Summer didn't say anything, this is always her way of saying: you can do it, I can't be bothered. So of course I had to take them up and they were both VERY heavy!

I got into my room and Summer said "tell me ALL about your date". "Lets get started and i'll tell you all about him" I said. Summer immediately got out of my bed and said "we'll pick an outfit then make-up then hair". She told me to look through all the outfits and try them all on but I knew I didn't have to because I had already found the one. I got changed into a plain black top, a thick grey skirt, black tights and grey converse. After that, Summer did my make-up, she gave me gold eye-shadow, winged eyeliner, a little bit of mascara and pink lip gloss. My hair was curled at the bottom and I was given a side parting. "And done, take a look in the mirror" said Summer. I screamed because I loved it! Just then we heard a knock, it was Connor!

I ran downstairs and opened the door. In front of me was Connor wearing a purple shirt, black skinny jeans, black boots and of course all of his braclets.

Connor: You ready gorgeous?
Me: Yeah. (I grabbed my purse and was about to shut the door when Summer came down).
Summer: Hello Connor, i'm Summer, Crystal's best friend.
Connor: Hi, i'm guessing Crystal told you everything about me.
Summer: Yep, she kept blabbing on and on and on about you.
Me: (I gave her a "shut up" look) Ok well we're leaving now, bye Summer.
Connor: Bye Summer, it was nice meeting you.
Summer: You too, you kids have fun but not too much fun and I want her back by 10:00pm. OR ELSE!

We got into Connor's car and he said "I like your friend, she seems nice". "Thanks, and by the way, she means what she said, one time she wanted me home by 9:00 but my date and I arrived at 9:05 and she shouted at him a lot. She is a very over-protective friend but I love her". I said. "She's just looking out for you". The rest of the journey was us singing along to all the songs that came on and laughter. We finally got to a very posh resturant and went inside.

This is the end of the chapter, I was going to carry on but I thought the chapter would be too long however don't worry, I will update tomorrow! Also, I really wanted to thank you guys for helping me reach 100 reads, I know to you it may not mean anything but to me, as a writer, it means a lot! So thanks once again. In addition, please do comment because I would like to get as much feedback as I can possibly get to improve! I think that's it so bye for now!

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