Chapter 10 - Quite the sight

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I woke up with a start as I heard the crying and turned to see that Grayson was already up, Rosemina in his arms. I watched him, smiling as he bounced her, trying to soothe her. Usually when one twin started, so did the other so I hardly got to see Grayson be a dad, and what a sight it was. He held her so tenderly, as if he could break her but knowing he wouldn't.

In fact, to see this tall muscular man with his kids was great. Not that Grayson was a mean type of guy, but the kids brought out a side of him I had yet to see. And watching this, watching him, it made my love grow even more for him. I watched as he danced with her and it brought back his own Alpha ceremony and our first dance.

"Oh, you're awake." My eyes glanced up to his and I nodded.

"I heard her, but you were already up."

"She's okay for the moment but do you want her?" I smiled as I shook my head and sat up, pulling my legs up and resting my chin on them.

"Watching you like this, it's quite sexy." Grayson merely lifted a brow at me.

"Are you joking?" I patted the spot next to me and he moved to sit down. And once he was close, I quickly captured his lips, feeling the bundle squirming in his arms.

"No, not joking. There is just something about you and being in this mode that's hot." That smile he was sporting turned into a smirk.

"Hot huh? Well, I've been called that before but not while I've been holding a baby before." I rolled my eyes and he wrapped his free arm around me and both of us turned to look at our baby girl.

"Your mom said that wolves grow faster, you think these two will be any different? I mean, they are already doing things that other babies don't do for a few more months."

"I have every reason to believe that. Which is why I'm trying to get everything in now. These precious ones won't be that way for very long."

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of."

"You mean them growing up too fast?" he asked.

"Yup. We won't get this miracle again and come on, you and I make some really good looking babies." He laughed and then shifted to lay down, laying Rosemina between us. She looked at her dad before she turned to look at me, a bubbling smile on her face. "Odd that Rayne is still out yet this one is up like crazy." I wrinkled my nose and Rosemina reached up to grab at it, laughing the whole time.

"What is it?" My eyes shifted back to Grayson and I shrugged.

"Rosemina has always been the tough one to get to sleep at night but has no problem going down for a nap. In fact, she sleeps longer than Rayne does. And this is the first time she's been up, and I highly doubt she's going back to sleep."

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