Chapter 37 - Fighting

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"We have a problem." I snickered at that as I looked out the window from my business. There were all kinds of problems that had come up in the last five days that Demoino had paid a visit to Mariana. She hadn't gone A-wall on us, but she was in hiding, at least for the moment and even I wasn't sure where she was. There were more attacks on our species, more turning to demons. There was also the fight that Grayson and I had gotten into which left us not talking to each other over the last 36 hours, so not exactly the happiest of homes.

"Please enlighten me Elric, what's one of the many problems we have developed to top of the others?"

"Fighting." I wrinkled my brows as I turned around and looked at him.

"What do you mean fighting? They are fighting what, whom, themselves? Or other creatures?"

"No," Elric said, taking the seat in front of my desk. "It seems the news is spreading about these demons, and wolves and vampires alike, are asking what they are doing, why are they fighting these creatures? Or rather, why are they being trained to fight? So they are fighting us, so to speak." I sat down in my chair and hung my head.

It was getting harder to keep these creatures on task without explaining who we were and why we're saying it. We were relying heavily on people like Elric, Anna, and Tessa to control their species, but it was obvious that it wasn't working anymore. Sadly, the Gods hadn't bothered to make an appearance either to explain to us what was going on with our coronation, if that was even happening. I had to admit, at this point, I was curious myself.

I finally lifted my head and leaned back, looking at him. I had no answers for this problem, just like I had no answers for any other problems that seemed to have landed on my desk. The weapons were being forged and we were training with them, not that a lot of us needed it; after all, all of us were born and bred to fight, it was our nature. But our lifelong skills wouldn't always apply to what we were on the brink of facing.

"Do you think me talking to them would help?" This time it was Elric's turn to snicker and I lifted a brow.

"Most of the vampire covens don't trust you, let alone the wolf packs and you think you stepping in front of them to discuss what is coming will help?" I couldn't help but laugh. Put like that, yeah, I don't think it would be a warm welcome.

"I need to do something. My hands are tied until the God's decides it's time. And to be honest, I'm not even sure when that is."

"The next full moon," Elric said and I wrinkled my brows.

"How do you know?"

"The book. I overheard a comment made from Tessa about waning strength of a supernatural before this one particular event. The book said that all three creatures grow weak hours before the event but they never pieced together what it meant, but I did. Because the event is always the blood moon and that is to come up within two weeks. That part in the book was talking about a crowning of sorts, but nothing more. Doesn't take a genius to figure out the rest." I watched Elric, quite impressed with that. Over the span of my very long lifetime, I had seen quite a few blood moons, and for us supernaturals, it was different than what humans saw.

To them, it was a slight changing of color, but for us, it was, in fact, a blood moon. It was dark, intense, and magical and it took our strength for the first few hours before it reached its peak because it gave it back to us threefold when the moon appeared. It rained down, on all creatures, the magic to make us stronger, faster, and more powerful, but it was only for that one night. I can't say it was odd that it was discussed in Sol's book, that book held many secrets it seemed. But it was odd that it wasn't discussed with us. If that was indeed the event, it was just mere weeks out and how did they think they could swing a whole coronation in just a few weeks?

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