Chapter 23 - Little spies

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Demonio stood along the edge of the clearing, watching his niece and the man at her side. Even from here, he could tell they were mated but he was having a huge problem figuring out why. Fire was old enough to have had many lovers in her past and anyone of them would have worked as a beloved for her so why a wolf? What the hell was so special about him for her to choose him? Not that he wasn't good looking but there had to be something for more for her to say she'd stay with him, especially given she could have had anyone. So even better yet, why wait so long? Yes, there were things he sure didn't know.

He watched the wolf set his glass down and on a whim, he ran after the guy who was holding the tray and grabbed the glass. Maybe he could go back to Russia and test it. Maybe there was something more unique about him that Demonio wasn't seeing or wasn't aware of. His eyes glanced upward to track the movement of the moon so he could track his time. Then his eyes scanned the crowds for Francis. He didn't have much time and as much as he wanted to approach Fire, he couldn't, or he would be waiting too long to figure out what Francis learned because Demonio could spend the rest of his time talking to his niece.

Finally, Francis saw him and made his way over. Demonio started walking and Francis fell in step with him. He waited a moment or two before he started talking, wanting to make sure no one could possibly hear them. Not that anyone even knew about him or what was going on, but that was a chance he didn't want to take, even more so when everyone at this party would know Grayson.

"They are mated?" Demonio asked and Francis nodded.

"Although I'm questioning something."

"And what would that be, Francis?"

"I think Grayson has heirs but not with the vampire. There are just a lot of questions and things that aren't adding up. However, we all know that vampires birthing children is very unlikely unless you are a God." Could part God's have the ability to have children? If so, why not sooner?

Demonio shook his head, not even able to phantom going down that path. He turned his gaze to look back at the couple. He still couldn't wrap his mind around them being together, much less having kids but he was quickly seeing anything was possible. He just couldn't understand the why behind it. And even if he did fully believe it, he didn't think he would get a question to that answer anyway. Certainly not from them, not like he would ask; and it wasn't like he had a book that he could refer to, not that Sol would have said anything in there.

"Nothing is ever crazy, I suppose," Demonio said.

"I could agree. I must look more into them though." Francis glanced at the God and then nodded to the empty glass in his hand. "Why are you taking that?"

"With your blood, the wolves are living longer but I noticed they lose strength faster when it shouldn't be happening. I was going to test Grayson's DNA to see if maybe something can help. There has to be something special about him if they are mated."

"You think Grayson is special just because he chose to live with a vampire forever?" Demonio let out a breath and shook his head.

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