Chapter 13 - A moment for me

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"Is there anything special to know?" I shook my head at Betty's question.

"Nope, not really. They are the same as any other babies, growing up too fast. They are content to play on their own or with each other, just be mindful of them if they play together." I paused as I patted the diaper bag. "The only thing different might be the feeding. There are two special bottles, both have my blood. Rayne takes more to blood than Rosemina does, but in case they need it, or want it, you have it."

"And if they drink all of that?"

"Uh, Betty, you can give them milk, it's not like they are getting breast milk or anything. If...they don't take that, you can come get either one of us so they can feed."

"Will you allow them to drink anyone's blood?" I turned as Anna walked into the room with a smiling Rayne.

"We haven't tired, but we haven't asked anyone either. This is the first time they'll be away, but if you are okay and comfortable, I have no objection with you trying to let them feed off of you. In fact, I'm rather curious if they will."

"Have they fed off of Grayson?" I looked at Betty and nodded.

"Yes, we've tried that and they had no problem."

"We will let you know what happens, luv," Anna said, giving me a smile. "Take all the time you need, we can see you need it."

"Thank you." I gave them both a hug and then kissed the babies. And as much as it hurt to leave them, I needed this. Between the limited amount of time I had with Grayson and feeding the babies, I wasn't getting enough to sustain me and it was only a matter of time before I landed on my ass due to lack of blood. And when I know nothing about this war, or when, I couldn't afford to be caught off guard. Grayson soon followed me out and then led me to a private suite he had rented for us.

"Are you going to be okay?" I looked at my beloved as we walked into the room.

"I don't know do you have a way to distract me from missing them?" I squealed as Grayson's eyes changed and ran into the bedroom, laughing as he caught me and threw me on the bed, his hands pinning mine above my head.

"Oh my sexy vampire, I might have a way or two to distract you." I licked my lips and stared into those eyes and then fluttered mine closed as Grayson captured my lips.

I let out a whimper and tried to move my hands but Grayson's hold on my wrist only tightened. I broke the kiss to tilt my head to look at our locked hands and then at him. His smirk drove me wild before his lips moved to trail along my neck.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm making you mine," he whispered against my neck before he nipped at it, causing me to arch against him.

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