Chapter 27 - An unusual attack

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"Any suggestions?" I asked as I look at Tessa and then Jonah. "Any small thought about any witch that sounds off?"

"There's a family, based out of Australia," Jonah started, his hands folded as he sat at the table, "but I'm not sure they are strong enough to be what the God would want them to be. You almost have to be ruthless."

"Not almost, Jonah, you have to be. I know The General, and I know Francis, both are cutthroat individuals who have no problem laying others down," Tessa said, shaking her head. "Even my own run-ins with them weren't good." I rubbed my face and shook my head.

"I know this is a trait one won't find in a family, I get that. Witches are so different in this regard, they connect and bond on levels that's different to all species, then again, we all are different in that way too." I started pacing as I started to think. "For a witch, they will have to be cunning as well."

"Why?" Jonah asked, clearly confused.

"The General is a tormentor but sneaky. He traps his prey before they even know they are trapped. Francis is cold-hearted but brave. He has led his pack into some fierce battles for his own gain, but they have always come out ahead.

"The family's is going to have it be smart but cunning, swift, and strong in their powers." I turned to look at a map that they laid out on a coffee table. "They won't be a big family because they can't have all that power together."

"Could they be old?" Tessa asked and that I was torn on.

"I don't know. I've seen older families lose their way to the dark side and destroy their family lines."

"That's true," Tessa said, her own eyes scanning the map. Finally, she stopped and pointed to Canada. "The Robinson family. They are small but powerful. I know their leader, Ashley, and she has dabbled here and there. But they have been around for centuries."

"Yes, I know her. Not exactly someone I'd want to cross but I have seen how strong she is. And she is smart. Let's look at keeping an eye on her," I said and Tessa nodded.

"Here," Jonah pointed to a spot in Europe, "the Harvey family. Martin is quick, skilled, swift, and strong. The previous leader was strong in the dark arts, but I don't know if Martin followed."

"We shall see. Keep an eye on him as well. There are two more I keep tossing around in my head," I said, pacing once more.

"There's a family in Egypt, decedents of priests from ancient Egypt."

"I know of whom you speak," Jonah said but he shook his head. "However, it's not a family that I see being persuaded to follow a God because of their lineage." I merely lifted a brow at that.

"That is the exact reason why I would think they would. But the other one is based out of Mexico with ties back to Mayan culture. Rebecca, I know for sure, is strong in the arts," I added and both Jonah and Tessa agreed. "Well let's see if we can't get someone on them to watch and see. Now, since that's out of the way and we narrowed some down, let's discuss the book or the making of these weapons."

"The list Sol gave was useful and not," Jonah started, and as horrible as it was, I couldn't help but laugh. Sol said he was helping, of course, but that didn't mean we wouldn't still have some issues. I pulled the chair out at the table as Tessa grabbed the book, their notes, and his list. "What's funny?"

"Sol. He helped, sure. Was it easy to put together? Of course not." I looked at the list and up at Tessa as she started explaining.

"He gave us 'weapon', which is one we had been tossing around. We didn't know it was 'weapon', more like 'stick' or 'rock'. By that, though, we should have the words needed to forge the weapons we need. This next one is interesting, it's 'family'. Which is odd because I can't quite figure out why Sol would give you that word?" I wrinkled my brows as I thought that over.

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