Chapter 15 - 'He doesn't know'

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I wrapped the blanket around me and then opened the door, now hearing nothing. I checked both ways and then shook my head as I walked back in. Grayson looked at me, a brow raised.

"I'm not crazy, I know I heard something."

"Do you think anyone would try anything this close to a pack?" This time, I lifted my brow.

"You forget that a family has no caring for packs or covens, so they wouldn't care where one was or how close they might be." I let out a breath and then looked at him as he stepped over to me. "What?" I asked him. He took my hand and led me back to the bathroom and he pulled the blanket off of me.

"I can't pick up on any scent and though you can mask scents, a witches scent can't be, no matter what; at least not for Alpha's. Witches have a," he paused and I tilted my head at that, "an earthly smell, I guess. So I can tell you that it wasn't a witch."

"Guess I can't fight that logic."

"You can't. Now," he said, lifting me up and I locked my legs around his waist as he walked us into the shower, "I know you don't need a lot of blood, but you barely have enough given what's been taking out of you."

"Yeah, well, they are your kids and therefore eat a lot more."

"My kids," he growled out, his eyes darkening. "Excuse me; they are not just my kids." With that, he pushed me against the wall and his lips connected with my neck, causing me to shiver.

"Maybe you should show me how they aren't just yours."

"You are sure bringing out my wolf tonight. Why is that?" I twisted my lip and then looked at him.

"You are hot like this." He growled again and then pushed into me without warning. I cried out and dug my nails into his shoulder and he growled again but the sound was deeper and I almost smiled.

Grayson always made sure his wolf side never came out while we were making love, not because he wanted to, but he just felt that side may be too rough or demanding, even for me. And in all my years, that was a thing I never pushed on any wolf, but I wanted to feel that with Grayson, I wanted him to give me everything. And once I dug my nails in again and then bit into his shoulder, I could feel the shift within, the power that came out of him when it happened.

He pushed me harder into the wall and I could hear the cracking of the tiles but I still didn't want him to stop. I moved my lips from his shoulder to his neck, but his hand wrapped in my hair and tugged. My eyes watered from the sting, but I still loved everything he was giving me. His eyes stared into mine and they were the darkest I had ever seen them.

"Is that all you got Grayson?"

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