Chapter 26 - Testing time

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The moment Demonio walked back into his current residence in Russia, he walked straight back into his lab, pulling the glass out of his bag, and examining it before setting it aside. The General watched over the God's shoulder, his brow wrinkled in confusion as he eyed the glass. He glanced at Francis and then walked over to him.

"What's with the glass?" Demonio turned to look at him as he asked.

"The night you had your party, the night Fire was here, did you see her talking longer with any one person?" Demonio asked The General.

"I can't say that she did. I introduced her to a couple of people but I stayed with her for the majority of the time. What does that have to do with some random wine glass?"

"Francis, would you explain to the pathetic vampire mind who Grayson is and why it's valuable?" Demonio asked, clearly annoyed.

"Of course, sir." The wolf turned to the vampire. "Grayson was an Alpha of a rather huge and powerful pack back in America. He is also mated to Fire." The vampire shook his head.

"Impossible. For as long as I have been around, the centuries on end, there has never been cross-breeding."

"There is now. I saw the marks on both of them. What's worse is what's being rumored, which is that they have kids. But I saw no proof of that myself."

"But how is that even possible?" Demonio turned once more to look at the vampire.

"Because there is something more going on than I know, obviously; which is why I have to test this glass. If there is something special about Grayson then he is a part of this as much as I believe Fire is, and therefore, kids are a very real possibility, no matter how crazy it sounds to any of us."

"Wolves die, they have long lives, but they die. As vampires mate, it's for life. We only drink the blood from the person we are mated to which is why vampires don't mate to anyone but vampires," the General protested.

"I get that. And I know this is hard to understand, but I saw their marks, they are together," Francis responded.

"I will guarantee you both; if I will have my army, then so will the other Gods. I didn't think it would be possible, but they aren't stupid. And if one, such as Fire was created, unique, special, and one alone, why couldn't there be another?" Demonio asked as he took the DNA off the glass. "If there is truth to be found in Fire's blood as I suspect, then this will tell me there is something in Grayson's and I will need more of that." He stopped and turned to look at the General.

"What?" he asked.

"I need you two to leave. I can't afford something to mess this up. And if this is what I think it is, then I should have something that will help my demons." They both left with confused expressions but he wasn't surprised.

He had been trying to figure out if his theory was right if the blood of Fire would help his demons in some way. But getting near her to get a sample would be impossible, especially now because he could easily assume she was suspicious of Francis. But testing her beloved's DNA would allow him more belief in that thought because, again, she was unique. And he was basing this test on the assumption that Grayson was unique as well, otherwise, why find a beloved after so many centuries alone?

The wolves, added with an Alpha's blood, had become stronger, but they still died out faster than he liked. So, yes having an alpha was nice, some of his demons lasted just a few hours longer, but if he couldn't get them to last longer than that, he would never be able to take over the world as he wanted. His mission that he had been aiming towards for many, many years, would fail.

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