Chapter 38 - Minor Details

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I glanced at Grayson as he just lifted a brow at them, probably feeling much like I was at the moment. Given all the issues piling up right now, the last thing I wanted to deal with was these three, and I was going to go out on a limb and say that Grayson was feeling that way too. I sat back down on the couch, pulling the twins on either side of me, and watched as everyone else sat down too.

"I know you love your mate, Grayson, anyone can see that. However, she has a point. You rule together, not separate. There will be times her ways seem foreign to you, but they are the best means needed. And Fire, your beloved is hard-headed, but you need to respect what he says as well," Sol said, leaning forward in the chair to look at each one of them. "Your wisdom will get passed down to these two, and your power, your knowledge, and your skills will be encroached on their minds. They will follow your examples in being leaders."

"I know that," Grayson said but Lunella held up her hand to stop the rest of his words.

"We knew that pairing opposite species was going to be difficult, we know that both of you are brilliant, tactical, and well versed in the ways of your kind. However, you lack that same brilliance in the ways of others. Fire, you know how best to make a vampire strong, to put a vampire on their feet, but that same set of skills would not be required for a wolf. And Grayson, you know how to make a wolf stronger, and braver, but that rule would not apply to a vampire. And neither of you knows how to train a witch," Lunella said, glancing between the two of them.

"Which is why you had visitors to help, but even still, it was going to take both of you to handle witches, and that's how it should be because neither of you was born into that. What you are also struggling to find right now with the other half of your heart is that you complete each other. Where Grayson is weak, Fire is strong. And where Fire lacks, Grayson you make up for. In other words...," Mudais started, letting her voice trail off.

"It's the both of us," Grayson said, glancing over at me. Talk about a slap in the face. Sure, it was something we knew, and believed, but I do suppose that at times like these, we didn't trust it. That sometimes we felt too different to actually be a united unit.

"Rome wasn't built in a day, Fire, you know this." I turned my gaze onto Sol and lifted a brow.

"Of course I do, I saw it happen. It took time," I mumbled.

"And so will working together. But I will share this with the two of you. As hard as it is to get along at times, you need to make sure that it's not shown to your people. Right now, we're on the cliff of something that has never been done in our history and very few know that you two are about to lead everyone! But I will guarantee," Sol said, his eyes bouncing between both Grayson and me, "that if your people see you fighting, see the mistrust between you two, they won't follow you and this war will be lost before it really even had the chance to start." I sat back against the couch, feeling like the scolded child that I was. I looked up at Sol who only looked back at me, a smile tugging at his lips.

"I'm well past the age of getting relationship advice, dad." That had Sol smiling and even Grayson chuckled. "I get it, we need to work together."

"The problem with any relationship has always been a compromise. You want to believe you're right, that there is nothing else that can stand up to your thoughts, but that's not strength, Grayson, that's a huge weakness," Mundias said, her eyes on Grayson. "I don't think she went about it the right way, in other words, not discussing it with you, but I have to give Fire props to send a spy in on Demonio. That was smart, actually. And I do believe needed."

"Of course, the women are going to stick together," Grayson said and I reached over to rub his back. "She didn't even let me explain." Grayson's eyes locked with mine and I offered him a smile.

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