Chapter 34 - Traitor or not

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"You're late." Mariana stepped off the plane and walked over to the waiting person, her brow lifted in a silent question. On the flight back from Russia, her thoughts couldn't stop as to why the God wanted to talk to her. The questions were obvious, he was quite concerned about the children and Mariana did her best to steer him off course, although she was pretty sure she failed.

"Blame the flights, too many layovers, and too many malfunctions. Don't you wish we could actually be like the stories that people tell of us? That we could really fly or turn into bats?" Mariana asked but stopped before the person whose lips were curling into a smile. "Although some of us do have special powers that allow us to transform ourselves."

"Only one person can do that, you know. And the power to turn into mist is very consuming." Mariana nodded. She had heard the stories but yet had to see if they were true. Of course, that was a secret best kept so she was sure she wouldn't see it until less the time called for it. "How was Russia?" Mariana laughed at the Russian dialect and shook her head.

"It was fine. Russia is beautiful, as you know." The conversation was simple, vague, as it needed to be while out in the open. But the moment the duo got in the car, Mariana shook her head. "He's asking about things and I don't know what to say."

"Don't start there. Tell me what you saw. Let's begin there first and then work into why he called you over."

"Demons, so many demons. When I first stayed there, years ago, it was quiet. You know The General, even if you don't want to know him, he would always scare off his coven, so there was hardly anyone there. But it looked like a mass army of demons. But just wolves and vampires."

"So, no witches yet. Which means Demonio doesn't have his witch family as of yet."

"At least not that I saw. So that means his army isn't done, right?"

"No, Mariana, I don't think it is. If you saw hordes already, I can only imagine what it would like when he adds those on as well." Mariana sighed and rubbed her head, confused by all of this.

"Just to take over the world?"

"Demonio is all about power, the power to control, to manipulate, to seduce even; that's why he has his realm, he can control you there. That hasn't changed. This war is just on a much grander scale than picking off a few vampires, witches, or wolves at a time." I sighed, leaning my head back against the seat, and glanced at her. "What did he ask? What did he want to know?"

"Your kids. He wanted to know if they were real if they existed." My anger flared up and my eyes turned black, causing Mariana to lean back against the door. My fangs extended and I fought with every fiber within me not to leap out of the car nor to attack her. She wasn't the one who wanted to harm my kids, I knew that, but that didn't mean I liked it.

"Forgive me," I said, being careful of the fangs still protruding.

"I hadn't seen them, they are real?" she questioned.

"They are. Hybrids if you will, with witches' powers to add on. What did you tell him?"

"He had asked if I had seen them, which I had not, so I didn't lie. But I made it sound like it was a rumor that I didn't believe and that I didn't think they could have come from you, that they wouldn't have shared your bloodline." I finally managed to ease my fangs and my lips, once more, curled up into a smile. Mariana and I were far from friends, but she proved useful in her knowledge and in her willingness to help. It was a dangerous game playing both sides and playing a spy, but it's one I knew Mariana loved and that she was good at. Very few people would think her smart enough to do something so devious, but I knew better than that. I had already been proven how sneaky she could be and how she could turn on a dime. But still knowing that I was willing to trust her because of that reason, I knew her better than anyone.

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