Chapter 20 - Alpha Francis

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"Sir." The man behind the desk ignored the person at the door calling him. Well, not ignored exactly. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he wasn't even hearing anything. "Sir?" Finally, the man at the desk jumped as the other man laid a hand on him. "Alpha, I'm sorry, I was trying to get your attention."

"It's okay David, what did you need?"

"Alpha, you have a phone call." But before David could finish, the Alpha had the man by the neck and the Alpha was struggling to control his wolf.

"You are my Gamma David. I want no phone calls, take the message and let them know I will call them back." The man barely nodded his head.

"Yes Alpha Francis," the younger wolf squealed out and the Alpha dropped him and returned back to his desk.

"What has you all pissy that you must pick on the younger wolves?" Alpha Francis looked up at his Beta, Marcus, who was leaning against the door, a smirk on his face.

"Just the man I wanted to see; come in Marcus and have a seat."

"Why would you want to see me? You can't pick on me that easily."

"No, and I shouldn't e able to do that with a Gamma either, something I must fix but that's not my problem at the moment." Francis leaned back in his over sized desk chair that was needed to house his much larger frame. "I had a phone call earlier."

"You've been on the phone a lot today, Alpha; what was so special about this one call?"

"Grayson and Dylan." Marcus frowned at his Alpha and shrugged.

"I fail to see the problem."

"When was the last time you time talked to either of them?" Marcus frowned even more and then shrugged.

"A long while. Again, don't see a problem."

"It seems that Alpha Anna and her mate are over in the States with Dylan and Grayson. However, it seems that Dylan is making plans for his Alpha ceremony." Marcus's eyes opened wide.

"You have got to be kidding. Grayson was born for that role and he wouldn't give it up. Why is Dylan taking over it? And why is Anna there? She was close to Grayson but not to Dylan."

"My questions exactly and why I need to figure out what is going on. You know Grayson like I do; you know he wouldn't give up that role. And there is no way Dylan could over power him enough to take it by force. This means there is something else going on."

"Did your source also tell you that Grayson found his mate, so for him to give up his spot is even more insane," Marcus added.

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