Chapter 22 - Introductions

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"For once, the vampire gossip mill was true and you mated with a vampire." I felt Grayson stiffen next to me but he just nodded and smiled. It was obvious they knew each other and it was a shock to Grayson which was surprising to me because I was positive we sent out all invites to the most important Alphas and yet this one was throwing Grayson for a loop.

"Alpha Francis, what a pleasure; it's been way too long. Fire; let me introduce a long time friend, Francis. This is my mate Fire. So yes, the mill was true." I held out my hand and Francis took it, a smile barely overtaking his lips.

"Tell me Grayson, why would you mate with a vampire?"

"Look at her Francis, she is gorgeous, would you want to let her go?" Francis shrugged and I almost laughed at how he was viewing me; disdain was dripping off of him in so many ways.

"No offense Fire, but I have seen more beautiful women." I smiled and shook my head.

"None at all. Beauty is seen in each person differently."

"Do tell me, Grayson, as an old buddy, aren't you worried that as a vampire, Fire will bite your dick, and won't it hurt?" I ran my tongue over my fang and then my lips as I eyed Grayson and practically laughed as gaze flew to Francis who shifted.

"Actually, no fear what so ever and it was the biggest jolt of pleasure I got when she did bite me there. You really should try it sometime, promise you won't regret it." They shared a laugh, but I couldn't help but watch Francis; something was feeling off.

"Got to say Grayson, I still would never see you with a vampire. Besides, isn't this against the law? Since half breeds can't run any pack or families."

"No, no law just doesn't make sense to others but it did to us. That's why I'm having my beta become the Alpha. As you know, vampires can't have kids, so it's not like I can pass along an heir."

"So you guys don't have kids?" he asked and I could see the wheels turning in Grayson's head. Though I had never personally met the man, I had heard of Francis and he wasn't a dumb Alpha so he knew it was impossible for us to have kids so I found the question odd, unless he was fishing for information. But that brought up the question of why.

"I wouldn't mind some with a creature as gorgeous as my mate," Grayson started to say as he glanced at me, "but that will never happen. And I think both of us are okay with that. Allows for a lot more sex and you know how sex with vampires can be."

"I'm sorry for butting in gentleman," now wanting to hear that answer from either one, "but I'm curious Francis, I didn't see your name on the guest list how did you get in?"

"I'm a guest of a friend; they asked me and of course, I couldn't say no. Actually, quite funny that you would mention sex and vampires Grayson because the friend I'm here with is Mariana. I'm sure you would remember her." Francis turned to me, a glint in his eye. "That would be the vampire he was fucking around with before you. Actually, of the two of you, I would have picked her as a mate. Really Grayson, Fire over Mariana?" I took a sip of my wine that was laced with Grayson's blood and I don't think I could ever be more grateful for it in fact. Because I sure as hell needed that soothing power only my beloved could give me. I was so overhearing her name and sadly Grayson knew that but it also seemed like Francis was pushing that button but I couldn't figure out why. Just like I couldn't figure out how he got in because I knew Mariana didn't have an invite for I helped make up the guest list.

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