Chapter 19 - Feelings and understanding

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I stared at him for a few moments before I blinked in pure rage. He wasn't king yet and he wasn't going to get to pull that card. This was all of us working together to find answers and even if he didn't like it, this was the best answer at the moment.

"You don't get to say that," I told him, my eyes getting darker.

"My job is to protect, to lead and to fight and right now I'm protecting."

"You make it sound like that's not my job either Grayson! Or did you forget that I'm meant to help you with all of this??" I knew my own anger was rising and in the months that we had been together, this was probably our first fight, and it wasn't even about our relationship!

"I know what you are Fire, I also think you might be too quick to jump into things without looking at every option first." I felt the blow in ways that I was sure he didn't mean but that didn't mean that it didn't hurt. He saw the blow and tired to apologize but I held my hand up. Right now was not the time and in front of everyone was not the place.

"I know you think that we didn't think about this Grayson, but that's not true. We spent hours going over this and the logs as well; we went back and forth on it. Fire knew what she was talking about when she talked about it and about laying it out for all of you. She knew you would be quick to oppose this but both her and I still feel that this is the only way," Derrick said and I was so thankful to have him stand behind me.

"You said you need everyone?" Dylan asked, looking between Derrick and myself. "What exactly do you need? I'm gathering it's just more than this rock."

"Yes Dylan it's more. It's at least one of us beings going to the dark side to gather what we need to stop them."

"And why the fuck would you think this would work?" I flinched from the tone in Grayson's voice, never having heard it. Yes, he would make a great king and he had the authority and power behind him for it as well.

"Because I believe Demonio himself comes from the dark plane," I told him and I watched as his eyes darkened and saw as the claws started to emerge; Midnight was on the brink of coming out and it almost felt like he was coming after me. Now, I wasn't scared of wolves but the thought of my beloved being that upset with me was not something I liked.

"Grayson," Anna called him, but he wasn't backing down. "Midnight," she called and then stood up and lightly grabbed his arm. I saw the change and I fought hard to swallow my hurt at that. He was mad at me and it took someone else to calm him down, yeah that one cut deep.

"Excuse me for a moment," I said and quickly left the room and ran to my office. I needed a moment to compose myself after that. I sat down on the couch and crossed my arms, staring at the floor for I don't even know how long. I just know I was hurt and confused and needed to get away from there.

"Fire?" I heard the voice but I didn't look at him; I couldn't. I mean, I know he was going to be mad, hell I was even expecting everyone to yell and have a say in it but I could never have seen that scene play out. He kneeled before me and tried to reach for my hand but I quickly jerked away. "Yeah, I guess I deserve that."

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