Chapter 39 - Cries

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Demonio wasn't the type of God to beg, but he was on the verge of it. His creatures weren't doing what he needed, and that was bringing him back the blood to create the best demon. He was running low on Grayson's DNA and without it; he would not have a fighting chance. And he knew, deep down he knew, that there was still another part he was missing. He believed the stories of their kids, why not? It was unavoidable that the pairing of a wolf and a vampire was magical. So why would it be so impossible that the witches, or any other magical beings for that matter, had a hand in creating them?

This meant, he needed to get over there yet again before this damn battle came to fruitarian, a thought he didn't like but very much believed; he knew it would happen, there was no doubt. His brother couldn't kill him, so they devised another plan, not that he was surprised because he wasn't. In fact, if he was trying to off his brother, he might have done the same thing. He just wasn't sure what they had in store. Because, by rights, it was nearly impossible to defeat a God, any God; and if they were, it was going to take quite a bit of magic all the way around. And they had a pesky wolf and a whiney vampire to defeat him? They and who else? Who would think it wise to fight a God? No one, not another single person, and he truly thought that. So he believed, foolishly others said, that he couldn't be bested. And he still had a magic trick up his sleeve that no one knew about that he hadn't unveiled yet. And he planned to keep it that way for as long as he could.

"Sir?" Demonio looked over his shoulder as he mixed the product to give to the new vampires, needing them to go as protection for someone.

"What?" the God asked.

"There's talk..." The General trailed off, his tongue brushing over his fangs that had come out in anger. The God stopped what he was working on and gave the vampire his full attention. Demonio knew The General wouldn't approach him with something small, he learned that lesson, so he truly knew something was up.

"Talk of what?"

"A coronation." That caused the God to freeze in his spot. Mentally, he couldn't wrap his mind around it, he didn't think they would go to that end, but it seems they had.

"A what?" the God asked.

"Coronation. It seems that Grayson and Fire are to be crowned King and Queen come the Blood moon."

"Of what? And by who? There is no one who holds the power to do that, at all." Demonio watched as The General shifted and looked around before locking his gaze with the God's.

"The other Gods." Demonio roared; his anger clearly visible. He hadn't seen that coming, the three of them working together to take him out. However, he shouldn't be surprised because he knew Sol would do anything to undo Demonio and there was his proof. He had the Goddesses involved, something that Demonio would have done if he thought they would have fought for his cause. Demonio shook his head for a moment, his thoughts scattering. Those two weren't the only ones to be crowned, they just couldn't be.

"Any others?" The General shook his head but deep down, Demonio knew. He needed to get his hands on those kids and they would all be there. "Get my phone; I need to make a trip."

"To where?"

"I need my witch and her coven; the moment those crowns fall, the war starts and I need my army ready."

"So, you're going to get her?" The General asked, watching the God.

"Yes. While you get me more vampires and wolves."

"And the blood that's needed?" Demonio smirked and shook his head.

"Leave that to me. Just make my other preparations."

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