Would you lie to me (ch 25)

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"Dream, do you ship nightmare and killer" ink asked. Is it bad that I don't know what he's talking about? "What," I said quietly. Ink sighed. "Killer and nightmare are they two peas in a pod?" ink said facepalming himself. "English". "Oh my stars dream, NIGHTMARE, AND KILLER, IF THEY WERE TOGETHER WOULD THEY BE A GOOD COUPLE" ink blurted out. "Ink you don't need to yell" I said whisper yelling. I heard footsteps from outside the door. Cross opened the door confused. "Ink why the hell are you yelling" he asked. I facepalmed myself. "Ink you moron" I whispered. "Hay not my fault you don't know what a ship is" ink said in his defense.

"What in the stars happened?" cross said, closing the door behind him. "Well you see, killer likes someone and I was describing the person to dream and he had a thought that it was nightmare when...he's...not made of goop I guess" ink explained. Cross was confused. "When he's not made of goop" he asked. "Listen it's just a thought but if we are correct and I hope we are wrong nightmare could have just lied about him being made of goop and instead covered in it. Then the person killer likes is nightmare" I said quietly. "Why are you hoping it's wrong?" ink asked. "Because...you said that the skeleton has a broken skull...and...if he is covered in goop then that would explain how...my arrow pierced through his head when he demonstrated something to me" I said very quietly.

Cross walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I shook my head and looked at him. "Dream...if nightmares skull is broken even if it's not you shouldn't stress yourself out like you just did. I know he's your brother and I know you love him but don't panic about it. It might be hard not to but take a breath and think. He seems ok, don't stress yourself out, ''Cross said calmly. He wasn't good at speeches but it helped a little. "But if it is, why wouldn't he tell me?" I said. Cross put his hand on my cheek. "I don't know you should ask him". I smiled. I saw someone moving behind cross. I moved to see who it was. Ink was recording us with his phone. "Ink I'm gonna kill you" I said. Cross turned to see what ink was doing. Ink just smiled. "I've heard that before and I'm still here...somehow"

(Nightmares point of view)

I was sitting at the kitchen counter drinking coffee. I had my left knee bent up so it didn't hurt. I was staring at my black coffee. "Hey brother" dream said behind me. I turned and looked at him. "Hay Dream" I replied. Dream looked at his hand with his wedding ring on it. "Do you like anyone?" he asked. I was confused as to why he would ask a question like that. Does he think I'm that lonely? "Why do you ask?" I said. "I don't know, it just popped into my head that you aren't in a relationship with anyone" he said. I pretended to think about it. "No, not really," I said. "Would you tell me if you do," he asked. "Depends if the other person wants to know" I said while drinking some coffee. Dream was quiet.

"What else?" I asked. "What" Dream said. "You're quiet so what else do you want to ask me". Dream was still quiet. I'll give him time. "Nothing," he said turning around walking away. "You sure?" I asked. "Yeah I can't remember what else I was gonna ask". He continued to walk away. "Dream you're a terrible liar" I said. Dream stopped. Usually when Dream acts like this he wants to ask me something either important or very personal. "Dream you ok" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine". I teleported to him so I could stay off my leg. He felt disappointed. "Dream" I asked quietly. "What's wrong?" I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "What happened". He moved his head and looked at me.

"Would you...lie to me?" he asked. I knew what he was talking about. Does he know I was lying to him about my goop. "Depends on what it is," I said. "Like what," Dream asked. "If it would make you unhappy to know about it". Dream put his hand on top of mine. "What if it made me more unhappy if you lied?" he asked. "Then I'm lying for a good reason," I said. This was a little tricky. Dream could have found out that I'm covered and not made of goop. But he could just be asking if I would lie about things. Either or I was happy to talk to Dream. We don't talk as often as we should.

(Dreams point of view)

I smiled at nightmare. Then I noticed that he was putting pressure on my shoulder. I looked at his feet. His left leg was bent and he was balancing on his right leg. I remember that he was stabbed in that leg by a bone when we fought 404 and bill. I decided to not mention it. "I should probably go find cross he's waiting for me," I said. Nightmare teleported back to the counter. "I won't keep you waiting," he said. I nodded, then went to look for cross. I found him talking to ink still in the room. I closed the door and ink brought his attention to me. "So...how did it go?" he asked. Cross turned and looked at me.

"We...we are probably right" I said. "How so?" cross asked. "I asked if nightmare liked anyone. He was a little hesitant but said no" I explained. "You make it a little obvious," ink said. "Oh shush. Anyways I asked him if he would tell me if he liked anyone. He said it depends if the other person wants to know which is similar to what killer said to me. When I asked him who he liked he told me that the other person might not want anyone to know". "That is a little similar," Cross said. "Also I asked him if he would lie and pretty much said he would but for a good reason". "A good reason being he doesn't want you to know about his skull being broken so you wouldn't stress" cross explained. "Yeah" I said.

But I didn't get it. I would understand if something like that happened. I might have a panic attack at first but I would try to help him. Or is this because he doesn't want ANYONE to know. He doesn't want to seem weak or want anyone to take advantage of it. I just don't want him to hide anything from me. I'll understand. I always do...right.

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