Dream listen to me (ch 33)

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I didn't have time to write a whole chapter so I apologize on how short it is. I also apologize for all the bad grammar also if you find any spelling mistakes please let me know.

Bad spelling

I woke up, rolled on my back and stared at the ceiling. I blinked a few times so my eyes weren't blurry anymore. I didn't want to get up...but I did. I walked out of my room and saw Dream yelling at nightmare. I stepped back so they couldn't see me. I ran in horrors room. He was sharpening his knife. I asked what happened. He looked up at me, confused. "They are arguing," he asked. You couldn't hear the arguments in horrors room. I took his phone and FaceTime myself with it. I went back to the room that they were arguing in and placed the phone in a spot where we could hear and see them. I ran back to horror and we watched.

(Nightmare point of view)

I had a huge headache when I woke up. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee. I leaned against the counter. My headache wasn't as bad but I could still feel it. I put my hand on my head and sighed. I felt something burn on my chest. "AGH-FUCKED HELL" I yelled. I spilled my coffee on myself. I grabbed a napkin and wiped the hot coffee off my clothes. I looked around and moved some of the goop. That was one way to get rid of a headache. I felt someone standing behind me...and it wasn't killer, horror, dust, or lust. I moved my hand so they couldn't see it. I turned around. "Hay...Dream" I said awkwardly. Dream stared at me. "...so you do know how to fix yourself..." he said glaring at me. "...what are you talking about-". "YOU FUCKEN KNEW AND WATCHED AS I TRYED" he screamed. I stayed quiet. "WAS IT FUNNY TO WATCH ME TRY AND FAIL". He was full of anger and disappointment. "No of course not Dream listen" I said, but he wasn't listening.

"WAS IT AMUSING TO WATCH ME GIVE UP AFTER YEARS". "Dream". "Was it worth it?" he said, tearing up. I stayed quiet. I didn't want to see him cry. I never wanted to see him fail or give up. I'm not the best skeleton but I'm not that soulless. I walked up to Dream and grabbed his shoulder. I put my hood up and switched back. He stared at me. More importantly he stared at my skull. I smiled. All that rage and disappointment soon turned to fear. "What the hell happened?" he whispered in fear. I hugged him. "Nothing happened...I just tripped," I said. Dream pushed back off of me. "Bullshit...now tell me the truth," he said angrily. "That I can't do," I said. Dream glared angrily. "Nightmare I swear to the fucken stars-". "Let's say that a few interesting rabbits had something to do with it," I said. Dream opened his eyes more.

"What do you mean?" he asked. "Your friends from your AU '' killer said standing in the doorway. "Killer" I yelled out. Dream shook his head. "No no no no no they wouldn't hurt anyone" Dream said. "You've watched your brother fight...do you really think he's that clumsy" killer said. I stayed quiet in this conversation. "They never hurt me when so why would they hurt nightmare? And I saw him hurt them before" Dream said. "I've been waiting for that answer two" killer said looking at me. I sighed. "They used you against me. They hit me with bats...they threw rocks at me. Hell they even tried to kill me. But they always told me this one thing. Tell Dream and he'll get the same treatment" I said. "They. They wouldn't hurt anyone" Dream said. "I don't think breaking your brother's ribs, or holding a razor blade up to his neck counts as not hurting anyone," killer said. "Why would you think I never wanted you around them?" I said. Dream stared at me without saying anything.

Dream made his hand into a fist. I heard him mumble something. "Listen Dream, don't worry about it. It was years ago-". "So that's why you never slept?" He asked. "Actually they weren't the reason why I didn't sleep," I said. "Then what was" Dream asked. "recurring nightmares" I explained. Killer walked up to me and patted me on the shoulder. I looked at Dream. He was staring at the ground. He looked scared but at the same time confused. I walked up to him. "Hey, if it makes you feel better I'll stay like this from now on," I said. Dream looked up. "I'll...be back" he said. He started to walk away. He grabbed his phone, I saw him go to messages and to cross. I stayed quiet. Killer laid on me a bit. "So you're not gonna hide it anymore" he asked. I nodded and pulled him in a bit. I kissed his forehead and smiled.

(Dreams point of view)

I didn't want to believe my brother. I wanted to think it was a dream or some sort of twisted nightmare. But it's real. My brother has been able to switch back, something I've tried to make him do for years upon years until I gave up. Not only that but he has a broken skull too. I wanted to yell at him more but yelling would get nowhere. He said that my old friends had something to do with it but they never did anything to me. And why would they hurt him. What did he do to them? Killer even mentioned something about it. So what if it was real. What if they did blackmail him. What if they did beat him up? What if they did break his skull. I shook my head and texted cross. He asked me what happened. I told him I wanted to talk. We would meet in the doodle sphere with ink.

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