Uncle Adam (Part 9)

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Adam moved us into one of the office's. He had a map out so I could see the lay of the land, he even had the buildings marked out. I wasn't sure why he wanted my opinion on things, I would play along though. "You don't have many people for such a open space."

The map showed the cabins, the trailers and even out to the stables only took about a third of the property that's in the fence. Everything being on the south east side of the land. Adam steepled his fingers together on his stomach as he leaned back into the office chair. "We have radio contact with some of our people that are still on the way. I also think Gloria is a good example that we will be taking in more people."

"Then you would have to worry about outsiders." I said. "If you bring in strangers they will need to be inspected for infection, maybe even quarantined."

"And we will." He said.

"You didn't with me." I counter he raises a gray brow.

"Would you tell me if you thought you were exposed?" He questions.

"Yes." I answer without hesitation. "But not everyone will."

"You would really tell us if you were infected?" I'm guessing he didn't understand that someone would, or maybe just that a criminal would tell the truth.

"If I was infected I wouldn't put children in danger." I say bluntly. "I would take a couple guns and ammo and go out to kill as many zombie as I could before turning."

He chuckles at that and gives me a nod. Now he believes me, and I think I just earned a little respect from the way he considers me now. I continue on with our previous discussion. "After the infection part, I think everyone should have a job, pull their weight. I know Wyatt had said pretty much those things when we found Gloria, but they need to be the strictest rules."

"We plan on to, we just need to set it up."

"Alright." I said giving him a nod. "Their is the fact that the walls are shitty." I have to hold up a finger to him. "Against people who don't know much about it sure, a electric fence is fine. Against a hoard of zombies its not. I don't know if electricity would stop them, and sure a handful might not be able to pull down a chain link fence, but fifty might."

"Okay." He says staring at me. I'm not sure if its something he's thought about or not. He asked for my thoughts so I'm giving them to him.

"Also once there are more people you need to think about guards inside, not just out on the fence. People will get into fights and will steal stuff. Even if they are fed and have the basics, there are people who like to steal just to steal."

"I'll admit, I haven't thought about that one." He says he moves forward to grab a notebook and pen.

"You also need to think about sending people out, like today." I said as he writes a note down on what looks like a to-do list.

"Why would we need to go out today." He asks looking up at me like I'm crazy. "You just got here, and you want to go out again?"

"We should go out today, even if its just me. We past a few ambulances and police cars, we can get things from them. We can get Gloria's meds that she needs, get more luxury items you probably haven't thought of like tampons and condoms."

"Condoms are a important item to you?" He asked almost laughing.

I shake my head frowning at him. "When you have people stuck together doing chores and not many stress outlets or much recreation, people are going to have sex."

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