(Part 22)

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"How do you think we should take them out?" I ask Anthony. There's a similar amount of zombies to what was at the vet, but I could see some coming in and out of the building. There's also a very large shed like thing in the back, two stories with a lot of materials. Zombies were wandering around it.

'What's you're gas can thing?' He questions and I shake my head.

"We can try it but I was hoping for a bigger crowd." I pout it and he raised brows at me. I turn back to the Ace hardware and shake my head. "No, we can't do that, there's to many shed areas with wood. Once the fire starts it might destroy usable material."

Anthony taps the throwing knives on my wrists and gives me a questioning look. I nod to him. "I can use them, do you want some?" I ask and he shakes his head no. He taps the mag on the gun on his chest and holds up three fingers. "You have three mags for that?"

He nods to me. "Okay, I'll go in first. I'll try to be as sneaky as I can and use throwing knives. Find a vantage point and use your gun if you have to, if I get overwhelmed I'll run to there."

I point to a roofed area with wood boards stacked up under it. Its not very stable but the roof is low enough for me to run and jump to. He gives me a nod and we go our separate ways. I crouch walk to the entrance of the parking lot, my hands find my knives on my ankles first. With a quick thunk, thunk two zombies fall to the ground. I grab up the knives as I pass them.

Thunk, thunk.

Thunk, thunk.

Bodies drop as I take two down at a time, retrieving the knives when I can. The smell of the bodies makes me want to heave, especially now that the sun is bright in the sky and its starting to heat up. I sneak up on one, grab it by its gross forehead and sink a knife into its temple. I hear a loud engine starting, the zombies start turning towards it. Completely ignoring me, which is fine. I take down one of the slower ones, throw another knife.

A barreling truck comes out of no where on the left of me, straight into the hoard of them. This isn't a pick up, its more like a moving truck with a smaller shipping container on the back. It takes out half of the zombies that are left, I throw more knives as the truck backs up. I run to gather my thrown knives and Anthony steps out of the truck.

"Where'd you find that?" I ask him tossing two more knives.

He points to the large two story area and signs for 'behind'.

He swings out a knife into the bottom of a zombies head. I pull my knives out of heads just to immediately throw them again. "You know when you kill people for a living, you really don't get to use many throwing knives. I'm glad I always practiced with them anyway."

Anthony makes a grunting noise and I don't know how to decode that. He helps me kill a few more before getting back into the and pulling up to the front door. With the back of the truck at the door, I creep up to the glass doors, the glass all broken on the ground. I move through the window closest to me. Glass crunches softly under my feet, when I get behind a register area I let out a loud high pitched whistle.

I wait for a second and don't hear anything but the rumbling of the truck out front. Standing I get on top of the register belt and look over some of the smaller shelves up front. I don't see anything. "I think its clear!"

I head glass crunching a second later, Anthony has both hands on his gun, pointing it at the ground. I jump down and make a circle motion with my hand. "Lets clear it and then get the tubs, we can also empty the vending machines."

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