(Part 34)

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Almost every inch of my skin is sticky, smelly and sticky. Seb had taken a large bucket of water and wash cloth to my leg, where I had slammed the side of my leg on something as I slipped in a pile of guts and blood. The side of my thigh and knee is somewhat clean, just enough to ease Seb that I hadn't had any broken skin. My skin is bright red, slightly swollen to show that I was going to have a very large nasty bruise soon. We had gotten back not long ago, as soon as Seb heard I was hurt I was herded into the little tent area they had set up just outside of the nurse station. They had been at work while we were gone, the tent area here had three cots under it, pallets nailed together around three of the sides of the tent up to waist height making a short wall.

There's the freezer truck stationed by the side door to the kitchen, one of those large metal shipping containers by the back of the kitchen and a shipping container by the tourist shop. They had brought in a handful of new trailer homes, and had them set up already. The RV's are currently across the street among the U-hauls. Seb told me they had to clear out room for them in the camp area, that's what they would be doing tomorrow.

Adam saddles up to the cot next to me, that one doesn't have a tarp on it. "You doing okay?"

"I'll have a big bruise but I'll be fine."

"I don't mean just physically." Adam says giving me a look that I can't quite decipher. "Blair was shaken up, and she was covered in less gore."

Blair and I had been the two with the most gore on us, considering we stuck mostly to beating the shit out of the dead or stabbing them. As soon as we got back Blair had booked it to Alpha teams cabin to get the gore off. Me on the other hand, I shake my head at Adam. "It's not the first time I'm covered in blood, it is the most though. And I think I ruined my shoes."

My poor sneakers are caked in blood and chunks, I'd have to wash them multiple times and they still might not survive. Adam looks me over with a raised brow. "You look like the end of a horror movie."

I couldn't stop the laugh from bubbling up and out of my mouth. I had to take a second to bring it down to a giggle. "Carrie?"

Adam shakes his head and smiles. "Something with more gore then just a bucket of blood."

I shake my head stopping my giggling and wipe my face, Adam cringes a little. I have to hold back the laughter at his reaction. "I'm probably not mentally fine to be honest, but not in the way your implying. I've grown up with violence, blood and gore. This isn't going to break me, in fact I've been finding it easier to kill the infected. They are very sick people who just want to eat us, there is no treatment for them so the only way to get them to stop is to kill them. If a cure or treatment ever comes out then I'll feel a little bad for killing them."

Giving Adam a moment to process I stretch my legs, feeling the pull of the bruise forming. Adam looks thoughtful but seems to shake out of it quickly. "I need a favor."


"Our kitchen staff want to start preserving as much fresh produce while we still have power. So we need dehydrators and canning supply's." I understood what he was getting at, alpha one and bravo one had been traveling just before everything went to shit. He couldn't ask them to go out now again. I give him a small nod and he gives me a small smile. "There's a Walmart in Jamestown, it should have everything we need. Group three had driven past it and said the hoard of infected wasn't that much, less then the one in Oneida from what I understand. North had agreed to take out two other people, they will take a car and draw away as many as they can and come back to camp."

"When?" I ask him.

"Get cleaned up, eat some food and then I would like you to go. The kitchen staff will get up early in the morning to start processing."

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