(Part 30)

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We had followed the guys to the basement of the school, Porter had come out easily enough. He wasn't much older then the kids that were in the basement. They ranged from 12 to 17, seven of them all scared and hungry. They followed us easily enough more then happy to go to somewhere safe. Transporting them all was a bitch, but we managed it. Mato stayed behind to help with the three men who were all zip-tied up, they at least were somewhat relieved to be somewhere safe and have food offered to them. I still wasn't sure about them, not because of what they did, but the fact at least one of them looked strung out. That could be a dangerous thing.

That was now Mato's job though, I'll let them figure out what they are going to end up doing with them.

Anthony and I gather up what we've found and stuff it into a car we hide at a nearby houses driveway. Making sure the car looked like it was meant to be there. We'd come get it at some point to take it back to camp, but for now we just wanted to go around and scout more. Well I did, Anthony didn't talk much, just hummed or grunted his yes and no's. I think it might take a little time for him to get over the torturing thing.

Anthony drives us down the street, makes a turn and slows as we come up to the hospital. I let out a low whistle. "Looks like you managed to draw zombies from the parking lot here."

It was almost empty now, we still had no idea on how many were inside but most of the ones outside are gone. Its not that huge of a surprise, the school and the hospital are pretty close to each other. I look over to Anthony. "Was that your idea?"

He gives me a shrug but I can see the small tilt of his lips as he try's to fight a smile. I smile at him even though he's not looking at me. As we come up to a turn I point. "Lets turn down here."

He turns us down a side street that's next to the hospital, the left is the hospital, to the right is a small house looking building but it has a sign for ankle and foot care. I had no idea what that meant, did they take care of your joints in your ankles and feet? Or did they specifically do pedicures? Weird. The next building on the right just behind is a warehouse of some kind, not very big and has no identifiers. To the left the hospital building ends and there's another parking lot. The hospital building isn't as big as the school, its just taller with a second story.

"Look two ambos." I say pointing them out, both are parked near the rear entrance of the hospital. I look past them at the overwhelming amount of cars scattered in the lot and gap when I see past them. "Look a helicopter!"

Anthony shakes his head at me over my excitement. He continues down the road until it turns left, into the parking lot of a senior citizen housing building. There aren't many cars here, but there are two of those fancy buses in the corner of the lot. I'd have to remember that. There is a road that curves to the left, curving around the back of the hospital parking lot, Anthony takes that road. It only takes seconds for us to roll up to where the helicopter sits, a zombie attached to a gurney wiggling around trying to get free is next to it.

"Would a helicopter help or fuck us?" I ask Anthony. It would be a great scouting tool or for a emergency, if we had the fuel for it. But they are also loud as fuck and would generate a lot of attention, good and bad.

Anthony shrugs then signs, 'Ask later.'

I try to think of what we should do while we wait for group two to finish gathering and dropping everything off. I pull out my map to look down at it and try to think while Anthony drives us to the main road again. "Want to explore more roads while we wait for group two?"

He stops the car at the main road and motions to the hospital I shake my head. "You cleared a good amount from the lot but how many are inside."

He nods agreeing. 'You don't want to try to clear it out?'

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