(Part 20)

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I listen to the next few questions, where will the RV's be? Adam plans to put them in the camp area, because there's a bathroom and shower building out there. The next question is will we make any more cabins? Adam said he would like to, but a lot goes into it. We would need to cut down trees. Mato suggested to clear way for the RV's in the camp ground by cutting down trees and using the timber to make cabins. I told them Lex and I found a small lumber yard, it would help with making planks and we would find usable wood already there.

Some people slowly start to leave, Abigail takes Sarah to go play with some of the other kids. I let Seb and Lex know I'm going to go get ready for scouting, that I would be in my trailer if they needed to find me before I came back.

As I start to walk off, Becca catches up to me. "Will you be helping with the training?"

"As of right now, I'm just scouting." I tell her but I think about it, I could be someone to help train people. I'm more then qualified I just have never actually had to teach people what I know. "I'll ask them to consider me."

"If you're good enough to go out there multiple times then you're good enough to train people the basics." Becca says continuing to follow me down the street. "I'd really like if you could train me when your not busy."

"You want me to specifically train you?"

"I want to go to the normal training that they plan on doing but I also want to learn from you." I turn to Becca, letting her see myself shutting down my emotions. A blank state where I can kill living people without a second thought, without any regret. She blanches a little but doesn't turn to run.

"I am not a military worker, the way I was trained is much different." I tell her, shaking my head I wipe away that empty feeling and begin to walk again. "I can help you get physically ready for training, but I don't know if you want my type of hard training."

"I think I can judge what I'm capable of handling." She says back, shes following a few steps behind me. "The world is different now, I need to be able to be useful. I want to be useful."

"Teachers are useful."

Becca snorts at me. "I can teach and train to be a fighter, it would be better if someone who helped the kids could help protect them."

I don't think she was going to drop it, at least not right now. I shrug at her. "If I'm able to I'll help you out, but I plan on going out a lot for the next few days."

"Thank you!" Becca says before leaving me to walk the rest of the way to my trailer. Do I want to be responsible in training people to survive? No. Do I have the knowledge that could help save their lives? Yes.

I had been trained not just in fighting and shooting. I've been trained to live on my own in the wild. The person who 'raised' me thought it would be funny to drop me off in the woods to see how long it would take me to come back. When I came back the first time, almost dead mind you, I was taught more. I don't know exactly why they trained me in outdoor survival when their goal was to make me the best enforcer they could. But they did and I could teach others, like Casey and Sarah. Just in case.

My trailer is silent, I take the time alone to stretch in the living room, readying myself for today. Stretching, yoga, what ever you want to call it. My muscles get pulled and my joints rolled to loosen myself up. I do a few jumping jacks and burpees, I would need some work out equipment soon.

With my body as ready as its going to be, I move to my bedroom. Flipping open my big suit case I look over it. There aren't any more guns in here, a few more mags for my pistols and a few boxes of ammo. There's more holsters and sheathes in case of one of my most commonly used ones get damaged. I pull out four things, ankle and wrist sheaths that hold throwing knives. Three on each wrist, five on each ankle. Then I pull out knee pads, I put those on first and attach my ankle sheaths.

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