(Part 38)

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My first stop was in the kitchen, with a radio strapped to my hip and on just in case. I helped peel and cut things, getting to know Abigail, Gloria and some of the older women and a few children. I honestly didn't last long in there, I moved out to the garden where I meet up with Casey and Sarah. I mostly did the heavy lifting of tilling some soil and carrying bags of dirt and compost in from the U-hauls parked near the field they were making for grow zones. Micah who was on building duty came over to help set up garden beds and some trellis's made from smaller pieces of wood they had.

That was where I spent most of my day, with the girls following Juan's lead in the garden. I only left twice when the wall crew saw more infected then what they were comfortable dealing with wander towards the wall. That night after we had all showered I showed them the goodie box, candy, sodas and a few board games and card games. With a full trailer of the two girls, the two brothers myself and a dog and five puppies, yes Rose had her puppy's at some point during the day. It was cramped but we played a few rounds of Uno, ate some candy and had a great night.

The brothers hadn't made any passes at me or even off handed flirty jokes. Lex stayed in the living room with the dog and puppies, Sarah, Seb and I all shared the big bed. So nothing was happening there. Seb, Casey and I get up early, leaving Sarah with Lex, the three of us deciding to get a early start on the day. Seb with taking both of our blood sample and then a big breakfast. I continue my day like yesterday, a group to exercise with, then off to the garden are with a ear on the radio. No I'm not sure what they are working on exactly now, all I know is power tools and chainsaws were involved again.

Lunch time came and went, I moved over to walking the wall then went to the kitchen to help with cleanup. As I was hauling out a wheelbarrow of veggie scraps to the compost my radio goes off calling me to go to the office. I dump off the scraps and bring the wheelbarrow over to the back entrance of the kitchen. I make my way upstairs to find Mato and North in the office with Adam.

"We've had some contact with Charlie and Delta." Mato says confirming my suspicions of why I'm here with all of them.

"You know I've been thinking about that, how the roads will be fucked up but I have a idea." I say and Mato snorts.

"Let her say her idea." North says shaking his head at Mato. "Shes smarter then she looks."

My mouth pops open to scold him, but the small twitch of lips gives away his joke. "Very funny." I say and put my fists on my hips. "There's that helicopter by the hospital, we can use that."

"Huge fuel sink." North says.

"We can get fuel from gas stations, we wouldn't need to use our reserves." Adam says.

"We can also." I say getting their attention. "Do what North did for me and Wyatt. We fly over that hoard on the main road, draw them farther north and open up those stores to be looted."

"One problem, who do you expect to fly the helicopter?" Mato asks me. "Tyler can fly but I wanted to keep it to just us."

I raise my brows at him. "I wouldn't have brought it up if I couldn't fly a heli."

"You can fly a helicopter?" Adam asks surprised I give them a nod. Adam thinks over this for a second while the other two turn to him. "A helicopter is very noisy, it will draw a lot of attention."

"We can fly it a majority of the way to his family, drop it off somewhere we can get to later if we want it back." I suggest mulling over a plan I had half thought of over the past day. "All that noise and attention would be leading away from camp, when we get his family we can drive back. It'll cut the travel time in half and in the heli we can plan out a route to get back."

"I think its a good idea." North says.

"Take note of where you drop the helicopter, but I agree in not flying it back. It wont just bring infected attention and we aren't ready if the wrong people find us." Adam says deciding on going with the helicopter plan. I could see Mato thinking it over, he probably had a plan already and he wasn't ready to change his mind. We were changing the plan, it was riskier taking the heli but its worth the faster travel at least in my opinion.

"Wear warm clothes." Mato says in a huff. "Its early spring there can still be snow up north."

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