Looting from the dead isn't stealing (Part 12)

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The next house is just around the corner from the other, I make sure to point that out before we get out to check it. If Mato let them out for seconds they could come here. This small white house is farther down on its own driveway. But there's a trailer house to the left of it close to the main road. Lex and I clear that first, then move up to the main house. There's a roofed area where a white pick up sits, a small green house and a shed off to the side. I make sure to write it all down on my map before shoving it in my pocket.

We head to the house, as we get there a really deep slow voice filters over the radio. "Alpha one from Bravo one."

Fuck I wanted who ever that was just to talk to me, it didn't have to be sexual. I would prefer if it was, but I'd take what I could get. Mato answers him. "Send it."

"We are approaching the nest." I could feel myself shiver at the voice, Lex is to busy looking in windows to notice me. Thank god.

"Copy." Mato says.

"You want to take the garden and shed?" Lex asks and I scowl at him.

"I can handle going into a house." I say going up to the front of the house and try the door that's unlocked. Putting my back against the wall I push the door in with my foot. When nothing happens for a few seconds I move into the doorway, gun at my side.


"I just thought it would be faster if we split and concord." Lex's voice has a laughing lit to it.

I wave at him off with my gun hand, watching the inside of the house. "Then you check it, meet me back in here when your done."

"Alrighty ma'am." He says in a fake southern accent and fakes tipping a hat to me. I shake my head to keep the smile off my face.

Stepping into the house, into the small living room. I wonder where all the people are, where the zombies are. True that we've only been to two houses, but I thought we would have seen something. I move through the living room, through the run down kitchen, to the hallway. The first door opens to what looks like a pantry, that used to be a bedroom. Home canned food and buckets line most of the walls and floor. The next door is a smaller bathroom. The last is a bedroom.

A older man sits slumped on his bed. He had to be in his late 70's, I couldn't tell much of his features. There's a hole in his head, a revolver in his hand and half a bottle of whiskey on the night stand next to him. The blood splatter and sight of the man who took his own life doesn't bother me as much as it should. I know I should feel sad, I do a little. I just can't seem to hold onto that feeling. It doesn't help that I don't want to hold onto that feeling.

I'm sure this wont be the last time I find something like this in a house.

I move to the closet, opening it I find a bag with a few guns in it. All older, a hunting rifle, a shot gun, and with the revolver I go and pick up that's three. The guy has a bunch of boxes of ammo, the basic stuff you'd normally get for hunting or pot shots.

The room doesn't have much more in it, after I take the bottle of whiskey with me, I close the door when I leave. I put the bag of guns and ammo on the recliner in the living room, the whiskey on one of the counters. Lex wanders into the house.

"There's a ton of gardening stuff in the shed, its older but would be worth getting. Also haven't seen anyone alive or dead." He sees the guns. "Nice."

"There is a pantry the size of a small bedroom, looks like he was into canning and storing stuff. Then a bathroom and bedroom." Lex starts towards the hall way. "I suggest not going into the last door."

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