Chapter 3 - The trip - Part 1

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At 14:50 he was on his way back to the office; he liked driving his own car occasionally when his phone rang:

"I hope you had a good meeting, boss!" Sam said.

"I did, thanks! Productive too. What's up?"

"Just wanted to let you know Manny just arrived." She added.

"Tell him to wait for me in the office, I'll be there soon."

"Will do! Goodbye!" Sam ended the conversation.

As he was entering the park area where the office was located, Vincent noticed an elderly couple strolling leisurely through the alleys like they had no worries in the world. There was a slight breeze and the air felt rather chilly, but they seemed to be oblivious to it, like they were in a bubble world of their own where everything was perfect. The sight made him feel warm inside but also brought that nagging feeling of loneliness he tried so hard to hide and ignore most of the time. In the two hundred and eight years since Alina had died, he had never met anyone quite like her. Nor was he ever able to go back to Moscow. Manny kept saying it was easier to chase any decent looking skirt rather than wait and look for someone that special. Even more so because you wouldn't care if you didn't see them again. Maybe he was right. On the other hand Vincent didn't think his friend had a clue about what he was saying until he would be in that kind of relationship. His thoughts were all over the place, as it happened every time something made him reminisce about the past.

Vincent pulled into the garage and noticed Manny's red and green 2003 CBR600RR Honda in the parking spot next to his. As he was getting to the elevator, Karl, the head of security intercepted him. His keen awareness allowed Vincent to notice Karl was missing a button from one of his jacket's sleeves.

"Morning Johnathan! Do you have a minute?" He asked.

"Hey Karl! You do realize it's almost 15:00, right? Walk with me! What's up?"

"I'm sure it's morning somewhere!" was the reply.

He honestly thought Karl was the most optimistic person he knew.

"And why does anything have to be up for me to want to talk to the big man in charge?" he added with a smile on his face.

"Big man? I'm nowhere near as big as Manny, which means you think I've put on weight. Do I look fat to you Karl?!" Vincent asked looking both worried and upset at the same time.

"Whoa-what? Wait! No! That's not what I meant! I only..."

He couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing. Karl's expression was hilarious!

"Damn, I was already picturing an extended work visit to our Alaska office." Karl said.

"Serves you right!" It was Vincent's turn to smile at him. "You know how I hate ass-kissing."

"Yeah, but I was only joking!" Karl replied.

"Me too. But Ialso like to win." 

*Author's Note

Many thanks for the reads, comments and votes (hopefully :D ).

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