Chapter 7 - Taking care of business - Part 1

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"Do you need a scratch behind your ears to calm down?" Vincent replied, clearly not intimidated.

"Well F.U. then! Not talking to you anymore!" Manny said after taking a deep calming breath, but with an obvious pout.

There was no real danger for Vincent in that situation. As a Keeper's Protector, Manny would die before letting anything happen to his charge. His training would probably compel him to commit suicide before allowing himself to harm Vincent. Protectors were not immune by mind charms, hypnosis or any other kind of loss of control. Their conditioning was both mental and physical in addition to already being exceptional warriors before even being considered for the role.

Having regained his composure, Karl took a seat across from Vincent and whispered:


That made the already angry were snap, and jump fist forward toward Karl's head.

"STOP!" was Vincent's turn to shout. "If you break anything, you will clean it up and replace it! Remember the Mayan vase you broke last time."

That got their attention fast and had them frozen in place.

"And Karl, really? Poking the bear? Aaa cat? I mean were?" He said winking at Karl.

"I heard that! And damn that Mayan vase! Took me 3 months to find one; cost me 3 months' salary and I had to go to India. INDIA! I hate that place! Worst traffic in the world, nobody signals when changing lanes or streets for that matter, endless honking, damn loud continuous honking and one time I was one hour late to the hotel because a cow was crossing the street. Did I mention the honking?" Manny started to rant.

"If we're done with the funny business, we could get to work maybe? Karl, you got the info I asked for?" Vincent said interrupting his monologue.

"Of course, Vincent" Karl answered, handing him the envelope with the file about Samantha's past.

"Ok summarize it and add your impressions and ideas." Vincent said, not bothering to check the file. He trusted his security chief completely.

Back in the comforts of Vincent's home, where house visitors were usually inner circle people, he was called by his chosen name – Vincent – and not John/Johnathan like they did at the office, where they also had "outsiders" as employees, which remained none the wiser.

Not every brilliant person out there is ready to see the world as it really is.

"O.K. Samantha Perkins, graduated Wilbur Wright College third in her year, with a focus on business and got her first job working for you. Prior to that, she went to the local high school in Rochester, Minnesota where she grew up. Basically she moved to another state to go to college in an attempt to escape an abusive ex-boyfriend. The dude's name is Bob, Bob Prank. Typical high school jock that Sam dated for about 3 months in senior year. She dumped him when she caught him with one of the cheerleaders in the girls' bathroom making out, and he has been harassing her ever since. He's the member of a biker gang he joined after high school which seems to be the high-light of his career/life. I don't think he worked a day in his life." Karl supplied.

*Author's Note

Many thanks for the reads, comments and votes (hopefully :D ).

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